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How Therapy Served as the Key to Finding Tabish’s True Self

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How Therapy Served as the Key to Finding Tabish’s True Self

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

Life is often filled with challenges but it is what we do with those challenges, shapes us as individuals. Each one of us has our own battles but there are only a few who decide to fight them. Tabish Majeed is among those few warriors, working as a Senior Account Manager at Recro.

“I felt trapped in my hometown because as a girl, you’re constantly judged by those around you which can take a toll on your personality. I decided to move to Bangalore for my job in 2017.”

As a 26-year-old woman from Kashmir, Tabish found this shift as a nice experience. But deep down, she had many questions that were unanswered and that bothered her constantly. What added to her concerns was keeping up with the demands at work.

“I was finding it hard to cope with work as well. I was struggling to reach my targets and hold a strong grip over my position. It was overwhelming and I often felt under-confident at the workplace.”

Tabish felt trapped in her hometown because a girl is constantly judged by those around her which can take a toll on her personality.

As dedicated as Tabish was, she continued to try her best but the challenges kept growing. They bothered her and yet she did not know what to do as she never took time to think about them.

Still trying to make it through her personal worries, Tabish found out that her father was diagnosed with cancer a year after she moved to Bangalore.

“This was hard. My father was a strong lively man, who was never sick a day in his entire life. Hearing about his cancer, I moved back to Kashmir to look after his health.”

Her father’s health issues made Tabish extremely distressed as she was afraid of losing him. It only got difficult for her to cope with her emotions and this time, she decided to seek help.

“Therapy served as an outlet for me. I could not only vent my concerns out but understand myself better. ”

 Therapy served as an outlet for Tabish. She could not only vent her concerns out but understand herself better

Putting on a strong face and being determined is not easy especially when your capabilities are constantly questioned because of your gender. Tabish carried a burden of not only proving herself but also a pain that had to be let out.

“I had this feeling that as a girl I have to constantly prove my worth to others. Therapy empowered me to trust myself and not depend on others for my decisions.”

With her expert guidance, Tabish could find a sense of calm within herself. She began to find answers to all the questions she had withheld deep inside. The sessions helped Tabish understand the importance of putting herself before others’ opinions.

“I would feel a lot better after each session. The convenience of online therapy made it easier to take the sessions at home.”

Tabish would feel a lot better after each session. The convenience of online therapy made it easier for her to take the sessions at home.

Tabish’s expert suggested some techniques that made her realize that therapy is about finding those daily habits to enhance one’s emotional well-being.

“Deep-breathing has helped me a lot when I feel anxious and scared during a stressful situation. It helps me calm down and take the time to think about the situation I was in.”

Tabish feels more confident today and tells us how grateful she is to have taken therapy. She’s happy that she was able to talk to one of the kindest experts.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better expert. She was patient with me and even understood Kashmiri which was a huge plus. I am so glad I took this step.”

As beautiful as Tabish’s journey is, she’s a true example of what self-discovery may feel like. If you’re looking to find your true self and live your life on your terms, YourDOST is always here for you.

Tabish’s Warrior Tips:
1. Remember that seeking help is okay and there is no reason to feel weak.
2. Everybody needs the extra guidance to understand themselves better.
3. Nobody is judging you for feeling vulnerable, everybody is here to help you.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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