YourDOST Blog

From Wanting to Quit Job to Being Grateful, This is Ayush’s Story

From Frustration to Favourable : A Fresher’s Perspective Change Through Counseling

A true ambivert by nature, 23-year-old Ayush stepped into the corporate world with high hopes and determination. Ayush joined Byjus as a Senior Business Development Associate and had been highly proactive with his work. In his free time, you will find Ayush sitting somewhere in the front row in any extracurricular activities or either flaunting his swimming and guitar skills. In addition, Ayush has been a speaker at national level conferences, and so, coming from a dynamic background, he decided to pursue a career in sales.

“I joined Byjus as a fresher, and I was very excited to work in sales. The earlier days were all about learning, but as I proceeded further, the work started getting piled up on me. I was not anticipating such an overload so soon.”

Always finding time to fuel his passion, Ayush slowly started getting overwhelmed with work, and it was also evident in his relationship with his manager. Sales is a target driven job, and Ayush was well aware of it. But what he did not anticipate was the burden of work and dealing with the deadlines.

“I started getting annoyed with the increased workload. This hampered my performance as well. Since it’s a target oriented job, my manager would also show disappointment in me.”

Surrounded by negativity in his mind, Ayush found it hard to take it out, as he does not like to share his problems with anyone. Days passed, but neither did the performance improve nor the relationship with his manager. Ayush mentioned that he was at the lowest position in the hierarchy, and so, despite getting yelled at by his manager, he could not reach out to anyone complaining about the same.

As a person, Ayush does not like to get angry and frustrated; hence, these new emotions in his mind were alien to him, and he did not know how to control them. There came the point where Ayush’s manager started doubting his abilities, and that affected Ayush mentally. Ayush would often think to himself, “I know my abilities, and at the end of the day, only I am responsible for my actions.” This worked for Ayush to maintain a calm mind, but it did not last long once the frequency of frustration started increasing.

“I was completely lost, and could not find time for myself. I started to rethink my job decision. This frustration had become a cyclic emotion and I did not like talking back to my manager.”

Ayush was confused, unable to see the ray of hope in his professional life. Ayush mentioned, “I would rather talk to a non-biased and non-judgemental professional, rather than bottling my emotions”, and so he decided to reach out to YourDOST, which is Byjus’ emotional wellbeing partner. Ayush connected with Ms Devyani, an expert at YourDOST and took the first step towards being a better version of himself! Ayush started his counseling sessions with Devyani and got the ‘aha!’ moment for finding a great listener in her.

“We started slowly, as I was not opening up so much in the beginning. Devyani was and is like a friend to me. She understood where I’m coming from, and so guided me accordingly.”

Devyani suggested that Ayush prepare a schedule for himself to make room for other activities apart from work. Devyani guided Ayush like a friend and did not judge him for anything. Ayush was also advised to focus more on ‘me time’ and involve his hobbies in his daily routine. Ayush was asked to practice meditation to control his anger and frustration, which Ayush still continues to do!

“Devyani made me realise that I need to look at a matter from my manager’s perspective as well. Once I started doing this, I noticed some positive changes and my frustration also began to fade away.” 

For Ayush, the best part about the counseling was the professionalism Devyani maintained and how she was highly approachable and open to talk to. Today, Ayush can manage his negative thoughts, but he is also on much better terms with his manager. Ayush is thankful to Devyani for making him understand what reactions his actions will get and mending his ways accordingly. Ayush feels pride in saying that his rigidity has drastically decreased and patience has increased through counselling. Ayush is a more understanding person now, and he rates the counselling process a solid 4 out of 5; and we couldn’t be happier for him and his bright future ahead!

Ayush might be a fresher at his workplace, but to us, he is someone who chose to stand up for himself instead of suffering in silence.

Ayush’s Warrior Tips:
1. People who work in sales or related target-oriented fields have a lot of burdens to deal with. More awareness about mental health and counselling can benefit them to release the frustration and be a better version of themselves.
2. One should try counselling whenever they feel the need to. There’s no loss or harm in opting for that!

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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