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“Breakup Only Taught Me How To Improve Myself For Better” – Krish’s Inspiring Story

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A content curator by profession and an avid reader by passion, this is the story of 29-year-old Krish. Born in Chennai and currently residing in Bangalore, Krish is also a part-time Ph.D. scholar and is currently working on video scripts at a creative agency. 

“I felt alone in a crowded place”

This was the state of mind Krish was bearing after his 8 year long relationship with his girlfriend broke off, pushing him in the deep pit of sorrow and self-loathing. Krish identifies himself as a meticulous person, who likes to start a day with exercise and give his fullest in all the tasks he does. But, once his relationship and marriage broke off, he started feeling numb.

“I felt like a misfit and didn’t know what to do. Even my friends noticed behavioural changes in me.”

Though the breakup was mutually decided between Krish and his then girlfriend, the sudden changes were overwhelming for him. Krish used to work as senior content associate at Byju’s, and from their resources, he got informed about YourDOST. As the opportunity to talk to a counselor was presented to Krish, he grabbed it and soon reached out to YourDOST expert Ms. Mona.

Though the breakup was mutually decided between Frank and his then girlfriend, the sudden changes were overwhelming for Frank.

After the first formal rapport formation with Mona, Krish slowly opened up to her. Krishcould not make himself go out there and find a new partner, as all he was looking for was a deep emotional connection. Mona was very empathetic towards Krish and she listened to him very carefully in an unbiased manner. As his friends used to describe Krish, “Glue of the group that holds everyone together”, it was getting tough for Krish to accept that he had been feeling lonely.

“Mona made me learn how to validate my emotions”

As Krish mentioned these words, there was a sudden spark in his voice! Almost as if he has found a new ray of hope in life! Krish further shared with YourDOST various techniques suggested by Mona such as surrounding himself with positivity and practicing self-love. Krish used to think he was very lonely and saw no purpose in life. After a few sessions, Krish realised how he has always been craving to feel emotionally intimate with someone and so, the breakup was rather hard on him.

Battling the stigmas around mental health, Frank was determined to prioritise himself and untangle his yarn of issues.

“I missed being in the relationship. Not necessarily the person, but the emotional security that the relationship had brought.”

Krish was still finding it difficult to emotionally connect with a new person. But with the help of Mona, Krish began to realize it’s okay to feel certain emotions and take some time off of others, to focus on himself. As a result, Krish was able to appreciate the little joys in his life. He started sharing happy stories and his fun experiences on Instagram and even his friends were very delighted to see Krish doing so well!

Krish describes his experience with Mona as very organic and added that finding Mona was the best part of his counseling journey. Krish gives himself a 5 on a 0-5 scale, for his improvement, and we couldn’t be happier for him! 

Counseling shifted Krish’s perspective where now he sees himself as someone who has come so far from what he had gone through. Krish mentioned that his ex-girlfriend got married last month and that he was happy for her. 

From all of us at YourDOST, Krish, we admire your honesty and we know that when you said you were happy, you indeed were!

Frank now believes in himself and doesn't pay much attention to negative thoughts.

For Krish, the counseling experience was very different from what he had imagined, and so, he urges everyone to not be too quick to judge people who want to seek counseling. Instead, help and uplift them to be able to acknowledge and validate their emotions.

As the conversation came to an end with YourDOST, Krish left us with this one encouraging line,

“Life happens now! Maybe I will get better tomorrow or even the day after. But I will not let go off today, fearing what tomorrow might bring!”

Krish’s Warrior Tips:
1. You will not wait till your headache magically disappears, instead, you will go visit a doctor. So, why be afraid to take the step to visit a counselor when you feel you might not be taking enough care of yourself and your mind.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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