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5 practical tips to improve yourself


According to Market Research, approximately 75 million millennials worldwide are using self-help services currently. The people who choose self-improvement cite it as an integral part of their career and life. 

They further suggest that making time for self-improvement is time well spent, for it is a lifelong process that guarantees continued growth.

So if you’re someone looking forward to becoming better than you were yesterday, self-improvement can help you-

And while you can try a hundred different ways to improve yourself, some significant development tips require the most of your attention urgently.

Here’s a list of 5 such practical tips to improve yourself- 


1. Quit lying to yourself 

Using only feel-good statements or subtle lies to monitor growth in life does more bad than good. Often, these statements are just sluggish excuses that keep us away from self-awareness. To track progress better and make healthier decisions, you must first accept what you are and where you stand.

Here are some tips to help you quit lying to yourself – 

2. Focus on one course of action until success 

A strategy called the Ivy Lee method explains how a daily routine can increase productivity through ‘focusing on one action at a time.’ It further suggests that ‘your amount of multitasking’ is inversely proportional to the ‘quality of your work.’

This quick & smart method of eliminating distractions and practicing ‘one job at a time’ is highly effective and involves the following steps-

3. Make yourself take actions

You cannot progress if you’re only setting goals and not working on them/completing them. Research suggests that if we keep the things we want to do more in front of us, the frequency of doing it increases. A simple practice of integrating cues in your day-to-day environment can help. Begin with writing down ‘4 things that you want to do more often’ and keep it at a place you see regularly, such as your desk or purse.

Here are some practical steps to take inspiration from- 


4. Measure your progress backward, not forward

Measuring your progress backward helps you analyse your recent actions, identify invisible patterns and helps focus on planning immediate actions. By backwards we don’t encourage you lamenting over feedback from 5 years ago. The idea is to focus on short-term feedback from the recent past. 

An efficient way to do this is by using a ‘recap’/’review’ model for the week or month. 

Here’s a step-by-step procedure for the same – 


5. Ditch the ‘all or nothing’ mindset 

The ‘all or nothing’ mindset disapproves of anything that falls short of perfect. It processes consequences as either ‘too good’ or ‘too bad.’ The fear of failure attached to this mindset stops individuals from trying new things and deprives them of greater outcomes/possibilities by focusing on ‘perfection’ than consistency. 

Here’s how you can ditch this mindset and embrace a better attitude – 

Towards self-development, you must shift your mindset from fixed to growth continually and embrace learning as the only way forward. The points mentioned above shall help you develop yourself at the core.

And as you master them-

Remember, you can ‘grow through’ whatever you ‘go through.’

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