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Ankur Strives for Self Improvement Through Therapy

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Ankur Strives for Self Improvement Through Therapy

I am all about self-improvement and becoming the best version of myself, it could be in my career, my finance, or just life in general.-  Liza Soberano

Every problem is unique and so is its way to solve it. Ankur, who is 23-years-old, is a student at IIM Lucknow. Currently pursuing his MBA program, Ankur has always been an independent person right from his childhood. From 11-12 years of age, Ankur grew up in boarding. 

Introverted from within, Ankur doesn’t prefer interacting with a lot of people. Nonetheless, he always finds his peace within music or playing games. Belonging to Uttar Pradesh, Ankur always tries to keep up to his own expectations.

“I always go for counseling whenever I feel like I am not performing up to my full potential.”

Ankur was always very determined to keep his academics on track.

Ankur was always very determined to keep his academics on track. So, whenever he noticed a downfall in his performance, he prefers seeking a third-person perspective to gain some self improvement. As self mprovement lay as his primary objective, Ankur never let himself feel short of putting efforts to gain clarity on his approaches. 

“Although I didn’t see any behavioural changes from my side regarding my necessity to perceive self improvement, I definitely felt stressed out.”

Ankur’s college was associated with YourDOST, through which he got in touch with a counselor from the platform. Ankur established a good impression on the counselor. The counselor turned out to be a good listener and provided him with a safe space to express his concerns. 

Ankur was also suggested certain techniques to boost his self improvement. Some of the techniques encouraged included journaling as well as following a schedule.

In a fun rapid-fire round, Ankur rated his overall improvement with a 4 out of 5.

“Through counseling I aquired more control over my thoughts and actions.”

In a fun rapid-fire round, Ankur rated his overall improvement with a 4 out of 5. Describing his journey as “balance”, Ankur appreciates the process as a chance to talk to someone without being judged. 

As he extends his hearty gratitude to his counselor with a thank you, YourDOST feels delighted to be able to help him in his efforts for self improvement. We wish him luck!

Ankur’s Warrior Tips:
1. It’s better to find someone and talk about your problems than keeping it in.
2. Counseling provides a platform to vent out one’s emotions without getting judged.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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