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How Therapy Helped Sristi Sway Placement Worries Away

How Therapy Helped Sristi Sway Placement Worries


“The pressure in any engineering branch is real”, says the protagonist of this story, Sristi Jain. Currently, 22-year-old Sristi shares an interesting story of overcoming career and placement pressure with the help of therapy.

Having studied in one of the IITs, Sristi loves to read, cook and is a travel junkie too! After four amazing yet slightly stressed out years at IIT, Sristi found herself getting anxious about placement, nearing her engineering in the Computer science (CS) field.

“We often see news of someone getting placed at Google or someone scoring a package of 1 cr in news every now and then. I was getting pressured with all these.”

Like most of the Indians, Sristi was also getting anxious over placement and her parents also pressured her to ace the best offer. Worrying about the future, Sristi realised how her current state of mind was being affected by it. She saw a downfall in concentration and study focus too.

Sristi’s thoughts were getting more and more twisted and complicated, as she had never thought something like this could ever happen to her.

“I got quite lazy. placement pressure had sucked all my motivation to do anything in my day to day life.”

Sristi was already exposed to the process of counseling sessions, as she resorted to counseling quite some time back. She didn’t continue the sessions due to some reasons, but now she feels she should have continued the sessions for her own development.

Sristi was introduced to YourDOST services through her college resources, as YourDOST is a wellness partner for many IITs. Whenever Sristi felt stressed out about placement, she would simply go to the YourDOST platform and start chatting with an Expert! She had finally found a healthy way to channel her emotions in front of a counselor.

“My counselors listened to me patiently. They advised me to follow a to-do list and make weekly and monthly goals and stick to them.”

For Sristi, the career stress was real. She followed these techniques to an extent and later when she realised how she can control anxiety by herself, she slowly stopped following them. In between counseling sessions too, she felt a bit stressed here and there but as soon as she began to talk with an Expert, she saw her worries swaying away!

“After I got placed, I still connected with a counselor to further work on my personal development and self-doubts. I am very grateful to them to help me unbottle my emotions.”

Sristi rated her overall improvement through therapy 3.5 stars out of 5, but from all of at YourDOST, she’s already a rockstar who’s 5 on 5!

Sristi parts with YourDOST with a spot-on statement, “Sometimes we don’t need solutions upfront, we just need someone to listen to our concerns”, and truly, we second that!

Sristi’s Warrior Tips:
1. If you have access, don’t shy away from taking therapy.
2. Platforms like YourDOST offer confidentiality, which is a huge plus in the mental health domain.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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