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Bollywood: Reel-Life Vs Real-Life

2 Mins read

We all love movies especially our Bollywood movies because they all are so dramatic and always have a happy ending. Yes, some movies are based on real life incidents but they too are not close to reality. Many of us fall in the trap of thinking that what’s shown in movies is true. Escaping into the reel-world during the movie is fine but applying them to our real-world is what that gets us into trouble. Let us analyze Bollywood depicts various situations and what would be their real-life counterparts.


Beautiful campus with super-hot model like girls roaming around in mini-skirts. Dance competitions and treasure hunts to decide your fate. Professors involving in student’s life and helping him to hit on a girl. Boys come to college just for looking at girls. They don’t have any other aim, in college. It doesn’t work out this way. Students have a lot of assignments and projects to complete. Faculty don’t appreciate or involve in the student’s so called LOVE INTERESTS. Going to college and hanging out with our friends is cool but not like movies.


Heroes in some movies have only one goal “Love and make the girl fall in love with you”. He pursues her inspite of her disinterest, stalking her day and night, and flirts with her in the creepiest way. Eventually she not only likes him but also gets ready to do anything for him. Ex-girlfriend waiting for you even after many years.

In reality relentlessly pursing means harassing the poor girl and definitely no one likes it. Love isn’t the single most important thing in life.  Yes, it is important but people don’t dance around streets and fight for it their whole lives. People move on, you show up after three months to see your ex is over you.


Almost every movie has fights, even for the silliest of reasons. Whatever the situation maybe the hero always wins. No injuries or scars occur even after many fights. The Hero who is just an ordinary person can easily beat 6-7 goons who grapple and tussle and fight for a living. Punching your opponent in the face is the final move. One stab in the stomach and the person dies.

People won’t get into fights that often in reality and if they do punch someone in face, it hurts like hell. The human body is pretty resilient; it can take a surprising amount of punishment before you kick the bucket. Unless you get stabbed in the heart, or sever an artery, you’ll live. There have been cases where inmates have been stabbed 50+ times and still lived to tell the tale. Heck, even if you get stabbed in the heart there’s only a 33% chance of dying.


There is a pretty long list of stereotypes, lets scrutinize some of them

  • Rich people in movies are always throwing lavish parties or traveling in helicopters, they rarely seem to be attending to any business.
  • Sikhs always holler at the top of their voices, speak with a Punjabi flavored accent, perform Bhangra at the drop of a hat and ready to get into a fight for every petty issue.
  • South Indians are usually Madrasis, hell no, there is no Madrasi, the South has Tamilians, Andhraites, Keralaites and Kannadigas. And not all South Indians are vegetarians.
  • Nor does every person from UP or Bihar, speak in a coarse Bhojpuri accent, and is a potential gangster or goon. There are many from those places working as successful professionals or leading an honest life.

Seriously ladies and gentlemen, most of us should stop stereotyping people. There are many good movies where we can draw inspiration from, and also some situations are depicted as close to reality as possible. Bollywood’s dialogues are pretty much fun to use in real life and not taking them seriously is the best way to enjoy them.

32 posts

About author
An engineer by qualification and voracious reader, Vamshi Krishna wants to make an impact on our education system by bringing positive change in the students. He is technology savvy and also interested in human psychology. Through Your DOST he wants to make his opinion count.
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