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Tips To Help You Speak In Public

2 Mins read

Whenever we talk about speaking in any group or crowd, most of us experience an unknown fear or nervousness. Public speaking is commonly dreaded. The prospect of public speaking often hacks away at our confidence. Some people avoid public speaking due to lack of confidence but some have ‘Glassophobia’. Glassophobia is fear of public speaking or of speaking in general. People can overcome their fears and nervousness which prevents them to speak in public. But, it requires a lot of practice and strong will power. If anyone has flair for learning, then situations becomes bearable for them. And, never take learning as a burden, but enjoy it.

Public speaking


Let’s analyze some time proven steps or tips to improve your ability to address a large group. Here’s something for you to do, to effectively speak in front of a crowd.

  • Preparation – Before addressing people, always write down some notes about what you’d like to speak. Prepare your topic, conduct research about it. Find interesting facts and figures related to your topic and check your content twice. Be sure to practice at home if you get nervous. And, always try to express never try to impress.
  • Be a good listener – Always interact with others in such a way that you improve your ability to listen. Direct your full attention to what others are saying. Just listen to thoughts and ideas carefully; this will help you in broadening your concepts. Great listeners make better speakers.
  • Connect with the topic – Your speech should address the topic, clarify the issues. Keep it relevant. You should be clear about the topic. Avoid quantity but work on quality content. Concise content wins.
  • Body language – If you are confident, your body language projects it. And this equates to a few simple things: Great posture, loud and confident voice, hand gestures, smooth and relaxed flow etc. Always make eye contact with people; this will connect others with you.
  • Try to be more interactive – Never try to dominate others, but always give a chance to express their views. And if needed, add on the information to their knowledge.
  • Just be yourself – Never hide your feelings and emotions. Just be yourself. If you feel sad, giddy, angry then show it. People will forget about your speech but they will remember how passionate you were about that topic.
  • Believe in learning – Always keep two things in mind. First, no one is a perfectionist and no one knows everything. Don’t think that you are the one who knows everything. And most importantly, secondly, there isn’t a specific age for learning and never feel ashamed in learning. If you don’t know anything completely then ask to know, to improve your knowledge. Incomplete knowledge is more harmful.
  • Sense of humor – Spontaneous humor is best. But it takes practice. Humor increases oxygen flow to the brain. Make people laugh.

12 posts

About author
Nisha Dagar is very passionate about Journalism. She loves to write articles and poems on anti-social elements. She believe that better communication solves all the problems and . She likes traveling, meeting new people and reading. She wish to communicate her opinion through YourDOST platform.
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