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Managing Time is an Art and Therapy Helped Rose Master it

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Managing Time is an Art and Therapy Helped Rose Master it

Sometimes, we can get so engrossed in our work that we become oblivious of the world around us. A commonly used phrase to describe this is ‘loss of work-life balance’. Finding the right balance can be so hard sometimes. This can adversely affect the quality of our life. Rose was someone with a similar dilemma. On top of that, dealing with academic stress in times like this, is not an easy task.

23-year-old Rose found herself feeling tremendously isolated and lonely when the pandemic and lockdown struck. She struggled to balance her academic work and her social relationships.

“My internship had kept me committed until February and once it got over there was an imbalance in my schedule. I was having a lot of free time but was finding it hard to balance it between my academic commitments and maintaining my social relationships. I started feeling lonely as well which was affecting my mental health.”

23-year-old Rose found herself feeling tremendously isolated and lonely when the pandemic and lockdown struck.

This sudden transition in Rose’s life was challenging. She was unable to reach out to her friends. Hence, Rose decided to reach out to YourDOST for guidance and connected with Nirupama, a Psychologist.

“This was the first time that I had sought counseling before. The first few sessions were introductory. I had to talk about myself and Nirupama ma’am asked me about my mental state and my relationship with the people around me.”

Rose and her counselor spoke about her childhood if she had suffered from any traumas that may have gone unnoticed. It was a nice experience for her, having someone actively listening to her. Rose found her expert very empathetic towards her problems and felt like she was in a safe space while discussing her problems.

This sudden transition in Rose’s life was challenging. She was unable to reach out to her friends.

Through these sessions, Rose opened up about her issues. Nirupama helped Rose deal with the insecurities she was facing and also guided her to manage her time better. Therapy helped her prioritize her academics and friendships, making sure she understood the importance of both.

“Nirupama ma’am really helped me manage my time better. She helped me organize my thoughts and when I spoke about my problems they were getting easier to resolve as I was addressing the problem rather than avoiding it.”

 Through these sessions, Rose opened up about her issues. Nirupama helped Rose deal with the insecurities she was facing and also guided her to manage her time better.

Rose really saw a significant change in her mental health. She felt energized, was able to reconnect with her friends and everything got easier on her. As her academic year continued, she was able to spend more time focusing on her studies as well.

“I am really glad I took this opportunity to discuss how I was feeling and it reduced the burden of what I was going through. I would like to thank Nirupama ma’am for being such a good listener, letting me open up fully without any judgment. I had the liberty to feel so free about my emotions with her. I thank her for the clarity that she gave me regarding my own mental health.”

Rose’s Warrior Tips:
1. It is always good to have a non-biased opinion when it comes to your mental health, so always look out for professional help.
2. Therapy is a process and you have to put in the work, along with your therapist.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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