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Prachi Deals With Her Parents’ Divorce Like a Warrior

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Prachi Deals With Her Parents’ Divorce Like a Warrior

“My experience is that divorce is almost always unilateral. It’s not a democracy. One person gets to decide the fate of not only the marriage but the family”, said Michelle Weiner Davis. Such is the story of Prachi (name changed), who is 21-years-old. Prachi is currently pursuing her Btech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Lovely Professional University.

Being an overachiever, Prachi is actively involved in various activities in her college. Not only is Prachi a part of the travellers club in her college but also is often seen anchoring in events. Prachi is also an avid reader and a swimmer. She is also a proud holder of an English Spoken Certification from Trinity College, London.

Despite all the participation and enthusiasm, Prachi, by the end of the day is an introvert who likes to keep all the worldly matters deeply engraved within her.

“I have always had a very small circle of friends. But whoever is there in that circle is very close to my heart.”

Born and raised in Mumbai, Prachi always felt the need to get away from home to another city. But the reasons behind her urge to get away were far deeper than one can imagine! This vibrant soul had an eruption of emotions inside her.

Prachi’s world came crashing down when she had to face the news of her parents getting a divorce. As rightly said by Wade Horn, “Children ought not to be victims of the choices adults make for them”, Prachi’s situation was no different. Nor did Prachi face the crowd nor was she able to talk to anyone around her.

Prachi began to develop thoughts of oblivion following the news of her parent’s divorce.

“I’m an independent person. I’m not really very close to anyone. But facing everything throughout a span of 4-5 months made me realise that I was urging to vent out.”

Prachi began to develop thoughts of oblivion following the news of her parent’s divorce.

What if I will never matter to anyone?
What if everything was good and normal?
What if the past incidents never happened?

She also eventually started getting into constant fights with everyone around her. This was followed by sleeplessness as well as a loss of appetite. Prachi was surviving on one meal a day. Unknowingly, Prachi had a tendency to control everything around her.

One day, Prachi had hit rock bottom when she was asked to choose sides between her parents. This was also the day Prachi decided to take a leap of faith as she got in touch with Shraddha Durg for the first time. Shraddha was her counselor from YourDOST, which was associated with her college.

“Shraddha was always there whenever I needed to vent out. Moreover, she would listen to me particularly about everything I had to say.”

Shraddha suggested Prachi to follow a few techniques like yoga, exercise and certain meditation videos to improve her sleep cycle.

Shraddha suggested Prachi to follow a few techniques like yoga, exercise and certain meditation videos to improve her sleep cycle. Prachi was also advised to follow the 5-4-3-2-1 technique to improvising on anxiety issues.

From the flashbacks of her experiences from the news of her parent’s divorce to the inner conflicts, Prachi had developed a new point of view to look at situations. Coming to her controlling behaviour, Prachi began to be considerate, as the therapy sessions progressed.

“Before, I couldn’t even hear people shouting around me. It used to trigger panic attacks in me. But as I have been trying to work on myself, it has gotten manageable.”

Prachi extends her hearty gratitude to Shraddha as she describes her counselor to be an amazing person. She also mentions that Shraddha has been there for the smallest of smallest problems with an effort to understand them. As Prachi describes her counseling journey through one word “precise”, she also rates her overall progress with a solid 3.5 out of 5.

We, at YourDOST, are immensely impressed by Prachi’s strong and courageous personality. We know that she will make it through the chaos with utter bravery.

We wish her luck!

Prachi’s Warrior Tips:
1. When we try to solve our own problems, we often end up adding on to our problems. But in case of professional help, they know how to go about it. So it’s much more helpful.
2. People really need to open up and talk about their problems.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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