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11 Characteristics of Highly Sensitive People

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Who is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

A highly sensitive person can be attributed with high sensory processing trait. The term ‘innate sensitivity’, to denote this inherited characteristic, was coined by Carl Jung. The tendency to get overly anxious in situations of immense pressure is evident in such people. The underlying cause is the biological dissimilarities between their nervous systems and that of others. This trait has often been wrongly labeled as social phobia, introversion, social anxiety problems and innate shyness.

The term HSP meaning a highly sensitive person was coined by Dr Elaine N. Aron and it postulates that shyness and inhibition may or may not be acquired by the individuals and may depend entirely on environmental factors.

The people with an innate trait of sensitivity may display introvert behaviour or neuroticism but this is not the case with everyone having this trait. This indicates that introversion and neuroticism may arise from the basic innate trait called sensitivity.

Here are some common behavioral traits of Highly Sensitive People

  1. People with high sensitivity can be easily moved to tears or other emotional displays through a play, book, movie or even a minor conversation. The principal reason for it being able to feel more deeply than an average individual. Such persons would empathize more with a friend in distress or turmoil.
  2. Team sport is certainly not on the wishlist of sensitive people. The feeling that other people are watching and judging is unpalatable, therefore joining the school team or college team or any other team becomes impossible. Even going to a gym and exercising with others is not deemed possible and working out within the confines of the house seems satisfactory
  3. The highly sensitive people are impeccable in their social behavior and their polite behaviour is a defining characteristic. Highly sensitive people also take note of improper behaviour of others.
  4. The thought of being criticized by people gives them a heartburn and as a result, they go to extraordinary lengths to circumvent or avoid any criticism.
  5. They do not want to make anyone annoyed or angry.
  6. Their tendency to minutely observe everything is incredible.
  7. The quality of being deep thinkers makes them a valuable asset for any team as long as the role of final decision making is left to someone else.
  8. The amount of time taken to arrive at a conclusion or make a decision is lengthy for such people because all the subtleties and possible outcomes are weighed heavily before making any decision.
  9. If their decision turns out to be wrong or bad they feel too upset and disheartened.
  10. Anxiety or depression are more prevalent among such people and require a supportive environment especially from the parents.
  11. The trait of being overstimulated make them unable to watch violent or horror movies.

2 posts

About author
Shyamolima Datta, is a psychologist, a thinker who loves to be around and know intelligent people. She's a pious lover of music, food, and travelling. Shyamolima describes herself as Progressive, humanitarian, egalitarian, independent, unconventional, friendly, rational, and fair. She believes in serving human emotions with utmost respect and openness. She is very modern yet grounded in values. A passionate person strives to help people in distress.
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