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People And Relationships Are Transactions With A Purpose

3 Mins read
Have you been feeling that:

     – Others have done a lot of wrong to you and you didn’t deserve it?
     – You did everything right and things have not been yielding at work and/or personal relationships?
     – Do you feel lonely very frequently?

If the answer to all of that is yes, then the write up here is just tailor made for you.
Harinder is the most loving soul that I have known. I owe my happiness and inner peace to him. One day, Harinder and I were just sitting and having a chat over our evening tea. After the whole day of stress and strain from work, I cried and shared my problem about dissatisfaction from work and people around. Something was just so wrong that I wasn’t able to rectify that, all my approaches and solutions were failing to bring an end to the set of problems I had.
I had a good relationship and it was a stable one, I have a family but even then I felt lonely and was experiencing a low self-esteem. There was always a consistent feeling that no one really understands me. I shared all this with Harinder as he was calm and patient listener. 

For all my problems that I didn’t have a solution to, Harinder gave me a simple solution and Harinder went on something like this, “People drain you out of energy. Regular people don’t even understand themselves, how can we expect them to understand us or you or anyone. Tell your problems to someone wise, intelligent, understanding, with a zero ego-problem, and has patience towards you. If you depend on people for emotional needs, then sooner or later they will disappoint you. 


Why not speak to God? “. By now, I was partly convinced and partly stunned. Well, someone I can’t touch, feel or see, how do I know, God exist? How do I speak to someone I don’t know is listening or not? Harinder continued, “ Look all round you, the way God has created the world around us, His work reflects intelligence isn’t it? Look at animal mothers how do they know to care and nurture their babies. Look at the trees and nature around you, they are so independently feeding themselves with water and mineral. Various such processes in mysterious nature function harmoniously and independently. “ I could understand that and I said, “ I am a Para-theist, I don’t really believe in God. But I accept the fact that some mysterious form energy is still working upon all aspects of universe. A lot of quantum physicists are working upon that”. Harinder smiled gently and nodded, “ Name it mysterious form of energy or not, but answer my question do you believe in nature and nature’s law”. I nodded in a yes. Every stimulus in nature be it people or place, have a purpose. Think logically, a regular pattern of unpleasant interaction is indicative of a thing that needs to be rectified in you.”

Now this is one of the reasons I love being with Harinder. This human being makes sense. Harinder continued to tell me, “Situations are temporary. They never last for long, be they pleasant or not. These situations are as unique as your perception towards people and your surroundings, so we work through them and learn. Sometimes the best is to lay low. Observe the pattern of the situations happening, observe what is it causing to you frequently, what is unpleasant to you, and then you may just get to know what needs to be rectified in you. Sometimes the situations are not that conducive, sometimes the best is to let go. May be even starting afresh is a good idea.”
Harinder said, “The way to be emotionally independent is to tell your worries to God or ‘the mysterious universe-energy’ you believe in, ask for help from it. He resides in you through your conscience and sixth sense. He has lived through you, and seen the worse and the best in you. Remember, that when you attune yourself to Him, you start to imbibe his qualities of fearlessness, knowledge, passion, love, care, inner strength, etc. and whatever, you want to develop. He is never out of patience, time or energy. You can make friends with yourself, when you can find friendship with him. This way you will never be lonely. Trust it.”
I now practice what Harinder taught me. I have benefitted from it. My 63 year old best friend Dr. Harinder Virdi Nair, stand as important to me as my mother, and I love her, for she taught me some beautiful art of living independently and happily.

4 posts

About author
Nabanita is your special friend from YourDOST team.She has done her masters in Clinical Psychology and has the knack of motivating people. She believes that through YourDOST she will be able to help a lot of people. She has a philosophical bent, likes to read and is a fitness freak. She knows self defense too!
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