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Why You Should Laugh Out Loud

IN BRIEF: Besides everybody repeating how laughter is the best medicine, here we look at why it is so. Can laughter cure problems? May be, may be not, but is sure does help us deal with the tumble and tussle of life.

Laughter is universal and is enjoyed by individuals across the globe without barriers of age, gender, race, ethnicity, etc. Here are ten reasons to laugh out loud.

Laugh For Your Physical Well-Being

Laugh For Your Psychological Well-Being

why we should laugh out loud

Laugh For Your Social Well-Being

Here is a short clip from the movie GOOD MORNING VIETNAM. Here you see Robin Williams who play a DJ in war torn Vietnam. Observe how he highlights the absurd among the serious aspects of the time. There are so many people who are extremely funny. Hunt for such people and listen to them, read about them, and discover new limits of laughter.

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