कई छात्र 10 वीं के बोर्ड की परीक्षा ख़त्म होते ही, आगे कौनसी स्ट्रीम चुननी है इस असमंजस में पड़ जाते हैं…
Did you know that those scary nightmares we all get during our sleep, too can become a sleep disorder? Have you ever…
Sex and food are the basic human needs. Our body rebels at their denial. Think of a situation where you are denied…
“We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.” Genius mathematician who…
We hear people saying ‘STOP LIVING IN THE PAST’. Well, we know what this means. But, is there a scientific angle to…
IN BRIEF: In this post, we look into what LAUGHTER is, in a scientific way. Upon how our brains work and process…
Whether we cry during a sad movie, while chopping onions, or completely involuntarily, our eyes are constantly producing tears. Alex Gendler tracks…
These are simple body hacks to solve little irritations such as hiccups, sneeze, dilating pupils, etc. Watch this highly informative video. None…
What is attraction? What is romance? How does our brain work? Find out how our evolution has charted ATTRACTION over the ages.
How does our brains work? Is there a simple explanation? Yes, there is. Watch this informative video.
IN BRIEF: Besides everybody repeating how laughter is the best medicine, here we look at why it is so. Can laughter cure…
Why are some of us LAZIER than others? Why do we become lazy? Here is a scientific approach to LAZINESS. I cannot…