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What is Philosophy? Learn in Just Over 2 Minutes

Philosophy traditionally comes from two words Philo, meaning Love and Sophy which means knowledge i.e.  the love of knowledge. It’s proven that people who keep themselves in pursuit of knowledge are expanding on brain cells and hence better adjusted.

As the western philosopher, Rene’ Descartes said, “Cogito Ergo Sum”, meaning I think therefore I exist or I am. The physical and biological parts of the brain influence or create the less tangible parts, such as thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and memories. In this, the role of psychology or the personality of a person also plays an important role.  

In short, Philosophy is the overall perspective or attitude towards life situations.

There is a difference between Neurology and psychology that’s important to understand. Neurology depicts the brain cell’s physical and biological influences while psychology is the role of nature and nurture on a person. Nurture can create an impact on thinking and behaving and this can influence the brain cell structure. Research carried out showed that the brain cell structure of a person with positive thinking and that with negative thinking is different. It means the ability to process and understand the situation changes.

Similarly, people who are altruistic, have a sense of gratitude and are happy-go -lucky tend to be better adjusted. The brain cell structure in them is such that it helps them to cope with life challenges in a better way compared to those who are pessimistic, angry and have low tolerance levels. And then there are the people with Type D – Distress Personality Type – personality.  They usually sweat at small stuff and often expect the worst. They have trouble making friends and often have low self-esteem. They are tense, chronically angry, and overreact to stressful situations; they also tend to conceal their feelings from others out of fear of rejection.

In this personality type, the brain cells shrink due to stress and anxiety. Therefore, by having a philosophical attitude, people can work on changing their outlook. Sometimes they turn over a new leaf because of an experience they’ve had, and they learn to count their blessings and have a good attitude about the world. Philosophy can also mean to practice

Philosophy can also mean to practice detachment from the results, and not get carried away or over involved leading to distress and the corresponding change in thoughts.

Just try this with someone who is rude or not nice to you: be patient and be kind with them. Slowly you’ll see yourself becoming more calmer and you may also see a change in other person’s behavior too.

Philosophy can make us gain awareness and keep us on a higher level of consciousness, this makes us view life from another light. Further, it helps to relate to others in a humane way, helping us establish deeper connections. It can bring lasting changes in our outlook, disposition, and our thoughts, this, in turn, helps to keep the stress and worries at bay– our brain receptivity and connection between cells get enhanced promoting better thoughts and emotions.

Being generous, altruistic, good to others, being optimistic and having a sense of gratitude are the food for your brain to be fit and fine.

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