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Laid off? Here’s What You Should and Shouldn’t Do

When my father was about to retire in March 2010, one of my aunts called and asked my parents to throw a grand party commemorating the event. My sister and I were full of questions and curiosity as to why this ‘job-losing’ event of one’s life is worthy of any celebration. This is when our mother shared a piece of her wisdom with us,

Retiring respectfully denotes that a person has worked dedicatedly, and has successfully accomplished their duties. It is one of the ultimate goals of life. Individuals and couples walk through the thick and thin to finally get here

Layoffs are tough

This made me wonder about the times when people lose their jobs for some reason or the other. Most of the times, these people are looked down upon as ‘failures’. So, does a layoff mean that they haven’t worked hard or were not sincere?

Everyone would agree when I say…..not always. Sometimes people work really hard, but the job market conditions or a slowdown of the company’s business itself may lead to downsizing.

For such people, losing a job is hard. But that doesn’t mean that one cannot overcome a layoff. Layoffs are an emotional setback for both the employee and the employer, but if you are prepared to face and handle the situation, you will soon be back on track.

Expect the best, be prepared for the worst, leverage the present!

Layoffs are becoming the new normal

According to the Economic Times – “While investments in start-ups dropped to $1.4 billion in 2016 from a high of $2 billion in the previous year, according to data aggregator Venture Intelligence, the downturn has affected sectors such as banking, infrastructure and information technology as well.” Thus lay-offs are going to be a way of corporate life now, and one must attain a positive outlook, and plan for things simultaneously. There are a lot of people who stay in the same job for too long just because they don’t want to step out of their comfort zone. They get stuck in the leisure of the current organization and can’t move on. They don’t learn new technologies and miss exploring their own passions.

Consider a layoff as an opportunity for a fresh start. Perk up with the following ‘Dos and Don’ts’ –

The Dos

1. Ask for required information

Rejection can be painful and shocking. But don’t forget to ask for and get all the relevant information from the employer. Negotiate on your compensation, unemployment and other benefits package, that you get to leave with. Ask for recommendations. Take a backup of your personal data and contacts. Get clarity on the money that the employer owes you. Enquire about the possibility of the company helping you find a new job or provide resume service.

2. Reinvent and reframe yourself

Psychologists recommend a technique called ‘reframing’. To reframe something is to change its meaning by putting it in a different setting, context or frame. Consider this time to regroup, reassess, reinvent and reframe yourself. It will help you look at your life and career with a new perspective. Understand the current career path, evaluate the gaps and plan the way ahead.


3. Upgrade your skillset

Adding to your skillset will keep you engaged and help you position yourself better in your current domain or explore other domains of your interest and expertise. Since hiring and firing is expected to be a regular event in today’s job market, you may look into creating a backup plan for yourself.

The Don’ts

1. Do not take the onus on your performance

If you’ve been handed a pink slip, it doesn’t mean that you were underperforming. It might’ve been due to the business conditions. So, do not blame your abilities, experience or skills. Instead come out of the self-pity pool and prepare yourself for the future. Accept the fact that you are not important to the organization, and move on.

2. Do not plea, but connect gradually with your network

Do not appear desperate to your network, but gradually tap into virtual networking platforms, like Facebook and LinkedIn, to get an update on the available opportunities. Get in touch with previous employers to check about some short-term or long-term assignments. Reach out to your alumni network; Such groups readily extend help out of respect, a sense of affection, and concern. Keep an eye out for networking events, and build new professional connections.

3. Do not lose patience

Do not let your disappointment turn into a depressive episode. Instead, build an optimistic outlook to life and career. This event can be a financial setback and the unemployment may stretch long, but you will surely benefit from being positive and making consistent efforts for a fresh start.

Corporate jobs bring both bloom and wither. The responsibility lies on us to explore the possibilities from the endless opportunities of working available in the corporate sector. Though this is a difficult situation, but believe me when I say –

This too shall pass

This article is a part of  #Fired2FiredUp Campaign by YourDOST. Visit the page for real life stories, learnings and tips from career psychologists and recruiters.

Have you experienced a layoff recently? Are you finding it difficult to cope with it? Talk to an Expert at YourDOST.

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