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4 Reasons Why Fidgeting Is Actually Good For You

“Sit straight” “Stop Shaking your legs” “Don’t Move Around SO much” “Where is your Focus?”

“Concentrate!” Well, these are few things that we “fidgeters”often hear.

We are a group of people that are constantly restless, but, not hyperactive. We have an excess of energy in our body, which does not allow us to stay established in a single place. We have an inbuilt tendency to explore and widen our understanding of any place we encounter upon, which is why we often stroll around and analyze different objects. And in our quest, we often come across people who are annoyed by our reconnoitre and try their level best to curb our inquisitiveness (In other words, stabilize/restrict our place of movement).

fidgeting is good for you

For people who wonder why we are the way we are, and why we are who we are, here are few findings (which might help in a cordial existence of our species). ­

1. Helps Stay Focussed

According to Roland Rotz and Sarah D. Wright, authors of Fidget To Focus: Outwit Your Boredom: Sensory Strategies For Living With ADHD –

If something we are engaged in is not interesting enough to sustain our focus, the additional sensory­motor input that is mildly stimulating, interesting, or entertaining allows our brains to become fully engaged and allows us to sustain focus on the primary activity in which we are participating

2. Beneficial To Health

Janet Cade, professor of nutritional epidemiology at the University of Leeds, found that women who sat for seven or more hours a day were 30% more likely to have died from any cause than those who sat for five or less hours, but only if they were low fidgeters. Those in the middle and high fidgeting groups had no greater risk of dying when they sat for the longer periods.

Those of us who are more fidgety seem to have better long-term health outcomes

3. Boosts Memory

Research by Dr. Karen Pine and colleagues at the University of Hertfordshire found that children that were allowed to fidget with their hands performed better in memory and learning tests.

4. Burns Calories

Fidgeting is considered a nervous habit, though it does have some underlying benefits. People who fidget regularly tend to weigh less than people who do not fidget because they burn more calories than those who remain still. It has been reported that fidgeting burns around an extra 350 calories a day.

So, maybe, fidgeting, is not so bad. And, maybe, we are NOT so Annoying.

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