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10 Situations That are Absolute Nightmares for Introverts

1 Mins read

Introverts, don’t you hate it when people don’t understand you? Well, say no more fam. We got you.

Hey people, here are a few situations that are as nightmarish as it can get for our introverted friends :

1. A crowded and noisy party

Introvert at a party

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“I could’ve stayed at home and read a book”

2. Making small talk with a stranger

Introvert making small talk

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“Actually I’m allergic to small talk”

3. Asked to speak in a class

Introvert speaking in a class

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“Umm, no thanks”

4. Group projects

Introvert in a group project

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“Oh God! What did I do to deserve this hell?”

5. A crowded store

Introvert after a visit to the store

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“I had to talk to people. It was AWFUL!”

6. An unexpected phone call

Introvert answering an unexpected phone call

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“Oh God NO!”

7. An expected phone call

Introvert answering an expected phone call

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“Seriously, it’s 2017. Who makes calls?”

8. Making a phone call

Introvert making a phone call

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“That’s easy…..NOT”

9. A family gathering

Introvert at a family gathering

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“Oh hi Mausi, can you kill me please?”

10. A surprise party

Introvert at a surprise party

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“Why? Why would you do that me? WHYYYY?”

An introvert after finding out that this article is over

Introvert after finishing this article

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All jokes apart, introverts rock. They’re so unique in their own way, and we love them.

Are you an introvert? Do you want to unravel your best qualities? Your #SilentWhispers don’t have to be silent anymore. Talk to an Expert at YourDOST.


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YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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