Suicide is a cry for help. It is when all the other options seem to be closed this is what most people…
What does one do when there is a feeling of extreme pain? Trying ways to end the pain is a common solution….
Reading can be a life changing act. According to Cristel Russell, a behavioral researcher, reading can help with any stress or turmoil…
We all have problems to deal with. Life is not easy for all in other words, life is difficult. There are breakups,…
Siblings are the inescapable people we will always have. They’re the first friends, the secret keepers, the promise breakers, and the ones…
Dear Mom & Dad, It’s me, your daughter. I love you both, and that’s something I can never hide. I’m glad to…
Here’s an interesting test you can take to reflect on yourself better. Answer these simple questions and make your Saturday worth it….
The derogatory term “hijra” is often associated with those ostracized from the society. Officially they are recognized as the Third Gender by…
“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new.., all…
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” ~ Albert Einstein In this quote, Einstein has very creatively defined creativity. Edward de Bono defined creativity as…
Arranged marriages have been an integral part of the Indian society. It has been reported that approximately 90% of marriages in India…
How many times have you heard, “Oh! She is so good at painting, such a right-brained person!” or “Look at you with…
For several decades there has been a profounding debate regarding the belief that having a baby can help in improving a declining…
Okay. Some straight talk – would you be okay with your wife earning more than you? I asked this question on social…