John Oliver on Mental Health, and how the stigma has enveloped our societies. Nobody wants to talk about mental health. Even the…
Have you ever heard people say, DRINK ALCOHOL INCREASES YOUR BODY TEMPERATURE or teachers say WE HAVE ONLY FIVE SENSES? This video…
These are simple body hacks to solve little irritations such as hiccups, sneeze, dilating pupils, etc. Watch this highly informative video. None…
What happens when people give up Masturbation for a month? Watch this video.
This is a take on how it is to have Cancer. A new perspective. This is will help us in a small…
Ah, the age old issue with the most of us. We are all good at talking, how about addressing a crowd? This…
We all go through societal pressures, as well as internal pressure, to look “good” and conform to society’s physical templates. Very rare…
From the successful TV show, Modern Family, a main character, Phil Dunphy shows us how to practice and get good at Empathy….
What is attraction? What is romance? How does our brain work? Find out how our evolution has charted ATTRACTION over the ages.
What if we could teach mammals to talk and behave. Chances are they will develop thought processes of their own. This is…
VIDEO: Happy Children's Day
1 Mins read
Somewhere during growing up, somewhere during taking responsibilities, somewhere during paying bills, we lose our childhood. This is a heartwarming video from…
VIDEO: Happy Children's Day
1 Mins read
Somewhere during growing up, somewhere during taking responsibilities, somewhere during paying bills, we lose our childhood. This is a heartwarming video from…