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Going Down Spirals Of Feeling Worthless To Finding Her Purpose, This Is Tina’s Journey

 Tina knew that the symptoms would get worse and decided that it was time she consulted an expert regarding her problems.

This is the story of Tina. Pursuing her degree in Psychology from KREA University, she was self-aware when she sensed a change in her emotional health. Tina knew that the symptoms would get worse and decided that it was time she consulted an expert regarding her problems.

After I moved to college, I was finding it difficult to maintain a routine. I was someone who hates monotony and college did not open up opportunities for any extracurricular activities. I felt trapped and did not know what to do.

Most of us are bogged down by the monotonous routine of our mundane lives and find it hard to derive happiness from a boring routine. It was the same for Tina. For someone who loves being expressive through her art and music, the academic routine was indeed overwhelming.

“I was so unhappy with my life, and would often get into spirals about how sad I was feeling. This made me lose my purpose and I felt very worthless. This began affecting my academics as well.”

This feeling of worthlessness soon turned into resentment towards her work and social interactions. For someone who described herself as a cheerful and social person, this shift was scary and she knew that something was wrong. This feeling lingered on and blew up once she moved back home during the lockdown. Tina did not have a supportive relationship with her family and this triggered her feelings into hyperdrive and she knew that she needed an explanation. This was when Tina approached YourDOST through her college.

“My therapist was very kind to me. She made me feel comfortable when I was in my most vulnerable state. I was sleeping long hours and did not have the will to do anything. Once I expressed these discomforts, Sheetal ma’am gave me some exercises that I could use to improve my well-being.”

Tina used the steps given by her expert and began introspecting herself more deeply. She needed to realise that everybody around her has different experiences and not all of them share the same mindset as her. She needed to free herself from this thought spiral of feeling misunderstood and needed to be more accepting of the people around her. This cleared some issues that Tina was facing along with some exercises that Sheetal suggested.

Therapy made me realise that I was expecting a lot from people and that I should understand that people have their point of view which should not affect the way I live life. This hindrance in accepting my reality was causing a tug of war with my emotions. But with the help of Sheetal, I feel better, I feel free and it is a good feeling.

During therapy, Tina made a list of the things she loves doing apart from her academics. Along with this, she monitors her emotional state with the Feelings Wheel to identify her emotions. She is grateful for this experience of self-discovery and self-acceptance. 

I am so thankful for Sheetal Ma’am’s support in my emotional well-being. I really thank her for tolerating my worries and she understood what I was going through and was always there to listen to me.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

Tina’s Warrior Tips:
1. You don’t have to talk about your feelings to everybody but it’s really important to speak out your feelings and not bottle them up.
2. Talking to someone about your issues can give you a new perspective of what you are going through.

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