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Breaking Stereotypes, Eunuch Marries A Man In Odisha

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Gender identity is an individual’s internal, personal sense of being a man, woman or someone out the gender binary. Transgender or the third gender is usually ostracised from the society. Though are looked down upon, the transgender community has been fighting for their rights and happiness.

Among rare incidents of happiness, Meghna a transgender got married to Basudev in Bhubaneshwar, Odisha. Meghna told ANI that she has the right to get married like anybody else. While sharing her happiness she said,

“I am very happy today and would like to thank Basudev for taking such a bold step to marry a transgender. People think transgenders can’t get married or embrace motherhood, but I am proving them wrong.”


The beautiful bride confirmed that the duo tied the knot as per Hindu rituals and it was an arranged marriage. The wedding was a grand event with an air of courage and freshness.

The supreme court passed a judgment three years ago to recognise the rights of transgenders in the country. It gives them a separate identity to vote, for applying for passports, driving license or admission educational institutions.

The groom who was divorced proposed to marry Meghna. A relative of the groom said,

“It will give a message to the society and the entire nation that transgender can also get married.”

A much-needed message for the society indeed. Congratulations to the couple. And more respect to the man for taking a bold stand to break stereotypes against transgenders.

YourDOST Celebrates the #BraveSpirit of the couple for breaking stereotypes!

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