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Losing A Family Member Proved Too Much For Bhaskar

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Life was going well for Bhaskar. Then came the sudden, shocking loss of a close family member. Unable to come to terms with the situation, he went into depression.

Bhaskar's struggle with depression

A year passed. Bhaskar had distanced himself from friends and family to such an extent that he was almost non-existent to them. People couldn’t understand what he was going through. He received the typical advice from people who didn’t know any better – “relax”, “take a break”, “go out more often”. He knew well that even listening to them was futile.

My condition worsened and I started to experience severe anxiety attacks. I even lost sense of what is real and what’s not

He reached the point where he couldn’t handle it anymore. He knew that he couldn’t fight depression all by himself. He decided to get professional help from a psychiatrist. He was pleasantly surprised when the Psychiatrist understood exactly what he was going through. The Psychiatrist got to the roots of of problem and helped him sort them out.  

I did the ‘unthinkable’. I went and sought help from a Psychiatrist

He was put on medication course for a year. His 4 year battle with depression finally started fading away slowly. Meanwhile, he learnt to play the guitar. He says that his experiences infused more pain and passion into the music he made.

I started helping others who were suffering from depression. I didn’t do much. I just listened to them. Letting them speak is the best cure

He urges people suffering from depression and anxiety to break their silence and speak out, and seek professional help.

Are you or anybody you know struggling with mental health issues? YourDOST is here for you. #LetsTalk with the Experts at YourDOST. 

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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