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Taking The AWARENESS Test

1 Mins read
In this fast racing world where everyone want to get things done with a click and reach the top, we have stopped thinking. With this rush to achieve the daily tasks we tend to miss out on many things that happening around us. This is just because of lack of awareness. We are all so busy running in the rat race that we hardly know ourselves and the people around us.

Don’t you believe? Hufff….I know you wont believe until you take up a challenge. Lets take up this test.

I guess now we all know where we are. But its never too late! Self awareness is developed through practices in focusing your attention on the details of your personality and behaviour.
Give it a thought! Ask your friends to take this test.

14 posts

About author
Om Prakash Reddy studied at IIT Guwahati. He held the position of Vice President at IITG community and brought a lot of student friendly policies like increasing the role of students in college Alumni Connect, academic council etc. He recently joined YourDOST with the aim to reach the masses and help them. He is a foodie and also loves to play hockey and football.
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