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What Are The Common Workplace Frustrations

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IN BRIEF: In this post we look at the most common workplace frustrations. We address aspects which break your confidence and motivation to produce good productivity and team work.

Do you love your job? Not Really? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. According to recent studies, 48% of employees worldwide don’t even like their jobs, more than 80% of US workers feel stressed at the office, and only 30% feel “engaged and inspired” by their careers.

These statistics sound depressing yet relate-able, don’t they? According to results from a 2012 Wakefield Research study, office employees are fed up with everything from participating in “optional” employee activities and having to listen to the office know-it-all to dealing with a snarky boss who thinks he’s hilarious.

Here are the most common workplace frustrations psychologists have derived from numerous interviews and studies:

Pesky Co-Workers

Nothing is more irritating than having a co-worker who’s always whining about something. The constant complainer who would rather bash everyone’s ideas than come up with any of her own is a drain on everyone’s energy. In addition, listening to the know-it-all who won’t let others get a word in at meetings or won’t take responsibility when a project fails is stressful for the co-workers left in the dust.

Annoying Activities

Putting in additional hours for work-related social activities can be draining. In addition, having to attend team-building events and morale meetings are frustrating to the worker who is more interested in tackling — not talking about — work.

Bad Bosses

Bosses who steal ideas, act superior or ignore employees are high on the frustration list for workers.

Job Insecurity

Employees who work for unstable companies or in jobs deemed expendable will only invest enough to keep getting their pay check while they look elsewhere. The rest of their energy will be spent sharing rumours with co-workers, updating their resumes and planning their next move. This is frustrating for both employer and employee.

Lack Of Communication

Poor communication stems from managers and bosses afraid of looking dumb or appearing inferior and losing power within their workplace. When management is more afraid of asking questions than looking incompetent, communication crumbles. One of the biggest workplace frustrations for employees is having a boss who makes decisions without consulting employees about the real problems and how to solve them.

Lack Of Recourse For Poor Performance

When we go to work, we like to be rewarded and recognised for our contributions. If this isn’t happening, or worse, people doing mediocre work are getting the same treatment as strong performers, it’s natural to just turn off and do your job on autopilot. Companies that don’t deal with performance issues bring down the average for everyone.


Gen Y workers are known for seeking jobs that are personally satisfying and inspiring to them, but they’re not alone. A statistics-packed Huffington Post article reveals, 55% of Gen X and Gen Y workers believe that finding a job that’s personally fulfilling is worth sacrifices in salary. Boredom in jobs is a surefire path to frustration!

As one can derive from the studies, frustration at work is a common problem but everyone deals with it in their own way. Now, if that way is positive or negative depends on the path you choose

23 posts

About author
Arshi Gupta is a young blogger who loves to travel to unexplored places to get a feel of different cultures. She is interested in reading, photography and binge-watching TV shows & movies. Though YourDOST she would like to share her thoughts to youth of the Nation.
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