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Neither An Introvert Nor An Extrovert, Are You An Ambivert?

2 Mins read

An ambivert is somebody who is neither an absolute extrovert nor an absolute introvert but has the essence of both. According to Adam M. Grant, two-thirds of people are neither introverts nor extroverts. These people are categorized as ambiverts whose behavior changes according to situations.

It is often assumed that extroverts are the best leaders and more successful at work. But this hypothesis isn’t true. Ambiverts have a greater advantage over introverts or extroverts. As Grant said,

The ambivert advantage stems from the tendency to be assertive and enthusiastic enough to persuade and close, but at the same time, listening carefully to customers and avoiding the appearance of being overly confident or excited.”

How can you identify if you are an Ambivert?

Before knowing how ambiverts are you need to agree to Adam Grant’s claim that,

“Ambiverts are like Goldilocks. They offer neither too much nor too little.”

  • Ambiverts Change Their Behaviour According To The Situations

Ambiverts are a combination of both introverts and extroverts. Their behavior changes according to situations. You may find an ambivert absolutely active and sociable among family get together and friends but absolutely quiet among office colleagues. They may seem like two different people depending upon situations.

  • Ambiverts Don’t Appreciate Small Talks

Ambiverts would not like to hold onto meaningless chit-chatting and formal small talks. Speaking about the weather isn’t something they would want to do just for the sake of it. Though they can continue conversations their social energy is limited to only deep  meaningful talks. They are good at talking if it is something which interests them.

  • Ambiverts Are Selectively Social

Ambiverts neither have an abundance of social energy like extroverts nor do they lack social energy like introverts. They are selective while socializing. They may speak to some people who they connect with while avoiding anybody who isn’t comforting enough.

  • Ambiverts Are Good Listeners

Ambiverts can be great listeners whenever required. While they may be good at speaking they know the value of listening too. Their chattier self-helps them value the art of listening too.

  • Ambiverts Like To Be Alone, Not Lonely

There may be times when ambiverts would want to sit alone and spend time with themselves. That doesn’t mean they would like to feel lonely. Though they may be talkative they would like to have their alone time as well.

Do you find it difficult to communicate in a group? You can talk to the Experts at YourDOST to improve your communication skills.

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YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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