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Poornima’s Triumphant Battle With Depression

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At the tender age of 17, Poornima had a breakup. She couldn’t handle the emotional distress caused by this & went into depression. She lost weight drastically and could not sleep for nights. Stress took a toll on her health, both physically and emotionally.

Poornima wasn’t interested in socialising anymore, so she ignored everyone. There would be several thoughts which disturbed her each time she spoke over the phone. So she tried to avoid phone calls too. Her friends found her behaviour strange, but they couldn’t understand that she was depressed.

“I was all alone at the time when I really needed support. I would do nothing and sit idle for hours”

Every night she would be afraid of facing the next day. She prayed to God to bless her with death. She would inhale ‘thinner’ to calm her mind. She also stole cigarettes from her father and began smoking.


All this unexpectedly changed when she got an admit at Delhi University. She felt like she had forgotten how to make friends or even face people. She lacked confidence as her physical appearance had also changed.

“With Dandruff, dark circles and pimples on my face, I went to college all alone. I struggled all three years of college.”

Poornima wasn’t aware that she was going through Depression. But she fought it once she found out about her condition. In July 2016, after her graduation, she returned home. She dropped a year to give herself some time to heal. 

“During this one year, I understood myself better. Now I am preparing for Post-Graduation in Psychology. I have finally moved on and won my battle against Depression.”

Are you going through Depression? Get Personalised guidance and support from Experts at YourDOST

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YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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