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Tejal Fought Reactive Depression To Emerge Stronger & Wiser

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She is a student of a prestigious college in India and her story starts in January 2017. Tejal had a severe panic attack & her crying spells didn’t seem to stop for weeks. A psychiatrist diagnosed her with Reactive Depression. When her father heard of this, he commented about depressed girls having trouble finding suitable matches for marriage.

“I felt so low. Was I born only to get married? Should a person always be happy to be considered normal?”

The doctor blamed her failure to clear the UPSC exam twice, as the reason for her depression. She was a bright student in school with excellent grades and was the apple of her teachers’ eyes. Unsurprisingly, she was  under pressure to deliver.


The real struggle started when opinions of relatives started pouring in. They dismissed her depression simply as work pressure taking its toll, and discouraged her from taking antidepressants as they were addictive. This got to her and she stopped taking her medication after only 4 days.

“In India, there are many people to give you advice. People think depression is just a feeling of being sad and an outing will fix it. But depression is NOT that“

Things didn’t get any better.She consulted a psychologist. The psychologist’s thoughts always conflicted with Tejal’s opinions which confused her a lot and didn’t help her case.

She searched for better professional help & found closure in the form of a homeopathy doctor who counselled her and advised her to remain active, both physically and emotionally.

It dawned upon Tejal that she had completely sacrificed her personal space. There was no ‘me time’ for her. Henceforth, she resolved to devote some time everyday to  things that she loves. She kept herself motivated & is now in the ‘pursuit for happiness’.

Her advice to everyone who suffers from depression is :

“You don’t have to come out of depression. Instead, you have to let the depression go out from you, without losing your patience.”

Are you going through Depression? Get Personalised guidance and support from Experts at YourDOST

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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