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25% of Suicides in Goa Due to Depression, Stress and Frustration, says CM Manohar Parrikar

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The government of Goa has revealed some shocking figures related to suicide in the Indian state which is usually associated with partying, merry making and relaxation.

Goa CM Manohar Parrikar, in response to a question in the state assembly, stated that Goa, witnessed 1004 suicide cases from 2014 to June 2017, and that 25% of these suicides were found to have been caused by depression, frustration or stress.

Take a moment to take this in, 1 in 4 suicides in “The Pearl of the Orient” are caused by depression, frustration or stress

Number of suicides in Goa per year

Number of suicides in Goa per year (Data Source)

The figures also revealed unemployment, failure in love affairs and financial problems of the family as other major reasons behind suicides.

Additionally, a report released by the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) placed Goa’s suicide statistics at 5% above the national statistics, which places Goa in the top 10 states in terms of the number of suicides.

Suicide rates in Indian states per 1 lakh people (Source : NCRB)

Suicide rates in Indian states per 1 lakh people (Source : NCRB)

To say that these figures are alarming would be an understatement. Isn’t it time that people struggling with mental health issues didn’t have to suffer silently. It’s 2017 and mental health needs to be given the proper acknowledgment and attention that it deserves, not stigma and judgement.

Please remember, if you’re struggling with depression, stress, frustration, a bad break up or any other emotional issues, we’re here to for you. Talk to an Expert at YourDOST today for personalised guidance.

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