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PersonalSelf Improvement

5 Strange Questions That Can Help You Find If You Are Depressed

1 Mins read

Depression is a leading cause of suicide in India. Nearly 5.7 crore people are suffering from it in India. The stigma of Depression is such that people fear seeking help. Mental health itself lacks awareness as people directly associate it to ‘madness.’

Being stressed at work or mourning the loss of a loved one can lead to a temporary period of sadness. But Depression affects the daily life of the person.

If you observe symptoms that are more than a temporary sadness ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do you avoid social gatherings?

People suffering from Depression tend to isolate themselves. They may intentionally avoid social gatherings or interactions. If you have seen this happen with you, it could be a sign of Depression.



2. Do you believe that worrying helps you resolve your problems?

Anxiety drowns you with thoughts and feelings without resolving any problems. It castigates you for procrastinating and continue worrying. This results in infinite thoughts racing the mind, tight stomach and accelerated heartbeat.



3. Have you lost interest in activities you always enjoyed?

Depression can demotivate you from doing anything. It can suddenly stop you from enjoying your favourite activities. This can result in mood swings which can cause a temporary period of melancholy.



4. Do you have chronic aches without a physical cause?

If you have unexplained aches, the cause may be your mental health – Depression in particular. Depression can cause physical pain without an injury or cause.



5. Are you using alcohol or drugs to escape your issues?

People with Depression tend to use alcohol or drugs as self-medication. But this puts you at high risk for addiction. Now is the time to seek help from professionals to fight your battle against Depression.



If you have gone through a difficult phase and feel depressed Talk to the Experts at YourDOST. Our experts can guide you with tips and advice to deal better with Depression.

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YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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