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How Gautam Separated Professional and Personal Life Through Therapy

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How Gautam Separated Professional and Personal Life Through Therapy

Working from home is not an easy task for many of us! The Covid-19 pandemic has made us forcefully blend work life and personal life. While we may enjoy the initial days of working from home, it has become tiresome and difficult to cope with for many working professionals.

We bring you the story of Gautam, a 27-year-old data scientist who has been working from home for quite some time now. Initially, Gautam was happy, but later, he started noticing that he could not pay much attention while he was at work. Moreover, he found it more challenging during his meetings as sometimes his family members walked behind him while he was in discussions. He often had to move from place to place due to network availability issues.

Gautam’s attention span had reduced drastically, and his sleep cycle was also not how it used to be. He started feeling burned out. He decided to seek professional help to help himself feel better.

“I used to wonder how these techniques were going to help. But, then, my company was tied with YourDOST, and I thought to myself, what better time to avail their services than this!?”

Gautam had gone for therapies prior to this, so he was aware of how therapy sessions go about, and he reached out to YourDOST.

Gautam had gone for therapies prior to this, so he was aware of how therapy sessions go about, and he reached out to YourDOST. Gautam talked about his issues to his counsellor, and that helped him feel much better. Initially, he could not follow all the techniques, but as days went by, he implemented the said techniques. 

“I started feeling so much better, and I was able to focus a lot better.”

One of the first things Gautam implemented in his routine was to set boundaries, which would help him separate personal space from professional work. Following this, he was able to increase his productivity.

Gautam urges everyone to seek therapy if they feel so. There's more to mental health apart from medication and psychiatry.

“My counsellor advised me to make a separate space just for my work, and that would be far from my bedroom, which will not carry a hint of my professional life.”

By doing so, Gautam was able to feel fresher and did not feel much tired. He also used the Pomodoro technique, which his counsellor taught. Gautam found it highly helpful, and he did not feel burnout so often. He was elated that his counsellor was able to help him out and also gave him a constant nudge to help him stay on track.

Gautam’s Warrior Tips:
1. Be the change you want to see. Talking about mental health is not like using a swear word! We must speak up, spread awareness and seek help if needed.
2. There is more to mental health apart from medication and psychiatry. One should keep an open mind to better themselves.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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