What and why do we procrastinate? Can we manage to reduce this? Find out by watching the below video.
IN BRIEF: We can only surmise and make a feeble attempt at understanding what a CANCER patient and his/her family go through….
What is SUICIDE? Why do we chose to do this? Here is an elegant video on what is SUICIDE and why people…
Why do we cheat? What are the genetic and psychological reasons? Find out in this informative video
IN BRIEF: In a series dedicated to disect the cause of depression, we look into true stories of celebrities who fought through…
VIDEO: Like A Clock, Be Relentless
1 Mins read
The exuberance in the morning pushes with a lot of energy to accomplish our day-to-day tasks. We are thrilled, we a eager…
IN BRIEF: This post is dedicated to those who move into a new city, either for studies or seeking work or any…
Here is a short video on how being an INTROVERT is not a condition or a disease. It is just a choice…
What does the word ‘Diet’ mean? How has it suddenly in the last decade gained so much popularity? Why are there so…
We all have hectic work schedules. We all end up getting either less sleep or too much of it. Our eating habits…
LIFE SKILLS For You To Combat Challenges
2 Mins read
Life skills encompasses the ability of decision making which is one of the fundamental components of a human mind. The in-depth assessment…
What is JEALOUSY? How to deal with it through different coping mechanisms? Here is an informative video.
We all have fears and all of us are scared of some or the other thing. Fear becomes phobia when they start to…
A Film On Child Sexual Abuse
1 Mins read
The trauma, the fear, the agony, of a little soul put through abject misery, has to be dealt with. Us adults have…