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PersonalSelf Improvement

Stop Overthinking! You’re Only Creating Problems That Aren’t There

1 Mins read
“We think and think and then think about Overthinking”


From morning ‘where did I leave my house keys’ to ‘Why is life so unfair to me’ we face so many issue and most of the time we only think about them. Think to a level where we forget the line between thinking and overthinking. We even think about how much we think but never actually stop thinking. We are all so stuck up in the head that we don’t realize what it does to us. We often hear the phrase ‘Think before you speak’ and ‘Our actions should be well thought’ but sometimes its okay to not think and be spontaneous for it makes life much more easy. Yes, easy!When we overthink we do nothing but only ruminate about the problems. After a point of time it becomes a vicious circle that has no exit. This in turn stops us from moving forward hampering our productivity and creating self doubts. This circle further goes on to the ‘What if?’ stage where we only think about the negative outcomes totally negating the fact the there is still changes of a positive outcome of a particular situation, which again hampers our growth and creates the self doubt and the cycle goes on. Therefore overthink only prevents you from living in the present. The moment we stop overthinking and start living in the here and now life will become much easy.

Stop Overthinking, You’re only creating problems that aren’t there

53 posts

About author
Swekriti Bhatnagar is your special friend from YourDOST team. She is a Masters in Counseling Psychology from Christ University. She is experienced in dealing with adolescent and relationship related issues. She believes in the power of communication and that everyone has the ability to change. Through YourDOST she wants to help people vent out their worries and wishes to make a difference in the lives of people
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