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How to Motivate Yourself to Quit Drinking

2 Mins read

I know how it feels, caught in some invisible chains, so solid that nothing seems to be strong enough to free you from them. A part of you wants to be sober and some part of you has already accepted how you are living, with unclear thoughts, mood swings ad no ray of hope. With each passing day seeing the chains tightening around your body and mind but hold on my friend, I promise you that better days will come.

That one moment

If you are in that phase of your life when you have actually started questioning yourself if you can or if you should quit drinking, you have taken your first step towards the change. Paulo rightly said,” When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”. Just the very thought and wish of being sober in the biggest step towards the ultimate goal.

Accept that it will be a difficult fight

You must decide whether you want to reduce your consumption or completely stop. It’s crucial in deciding the further steps. Prepare your mind because it takes more than just a wish. You need to constantly motivate yourself, have a strong will and remind yourself that it will take hard work, dedication, pain, sacrifice and yes, there will be temptation like never before, but it all will be worth it.

Don’t be Afraid

Don’t let negative thoughts take away your positive energy. People start thinking that the only way to live a normal life is through continuing drinking. Don’t get underestimated by such thoughts when they occur to you. Believe in yourself. If you have tried all methods, relapsed so many times that you don’t really believe that you can make it, ask for help and take small steps according to your body. There are so many people ready to help you out and you are not alone in this. There is no need to feel guilty or ashamed. You are a child of this universe and hence, be gentle with yourself. With failure your chance to start again in a more effective way will come up.

When you quit drinking, so much is waiting for you. You can get back to your normal life. Patch up with you partner. You can apply for new jobs and start a new life. Have a better body, after all, your liver and mind is happy now trying to recover. You can spend some good time with your family. Playing and studying with your kids who longed for your time. You can explore things now as you are no longer confined in a room dependent on some liquid. No body aches and hangovers. Your mornings fill be fresh. You will have more money. You can plan adventure trips. You can help others. Above all, you will be able to notice the change in your lifestyle and I am sure you will love it.

Good Luck to all those who are determined to quit drinking.

3 posts

About author
Sonali Gupta is a B-Tech student from The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur and a member of the Literary Committee of her institution. She believes in the words that, "Whenever there are tough times and one needs to find magic, all they need to look into is the mirror." She likes to call herself an explorer in the journey of self-discovery and she considers being able to rightly define herself, would be her destination in life. For her YourDOST is a platform to help herself, in the process of helping others.
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