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How The Lockdown Changed Anmol’s Perspective Of Mental Health

3 Mins read

He loved his workplace and the work environment. Anmol felt like he was learning a lot while working there. But things changed when the lockdown hit. The challenges of working from home set in and it impacted Anmol’s mental health.

This is the story of the cheerful copywriter, Anmol Taneja who started his first job right after his graduation. Being the youngest at his workplace, he did not feel like an oddball but fit in since the day he joined. He loved his workplace and the work environment. Anmol felt like he was learning a lot while working there. But things changed when the lockdown hit. The challenges of working from home set in and it impacted Anmol’s mental health.

I was on the top of my game when I joined the company but things changed when the lockdown hit. I was someone who enjoyed the company of others and the lack of social interaction made me feel very isolated and uncomfortable.”\

The first few months of lockdown were painful for Anmol as he had to get used to staying away from people and interacting virtually. He ignored all the discomfort he was feeling hoping it would go away but the result was the opposite. It started creeping into the quality of his work. He was slacking off, unable to finish tasks on time or submit good quality work, which resulted in an uncomfortable phone call with his CEO.

“The people at work began noticing this change and called me to talk. My CEO was empathetic and heard me out when I told him I was feeling frustrated. He reassured me that most people in the office were feeling that way and I was not alone in this. And a few weeks later they signed up with YourDOST and he told me to avail the services.”

Trusting the process, Anmol signed up for his sessions and was able to understand the root cause of why he was feeling this way.

I was not sure if I should take up therapy. In India, therapy is expensive and even though I am from an upper-middle-class family, the idea of spending so much did not feel right. But I spoke to a friend who is a mental health professional and she suggested that I try YourDOST. She also told me that some of my behaviors were pointing towards ADHD and should bring it up when I start my sessions at YourDOST.

Trusting the process, Anmol signed up for his sessions and was able to understand the root cause of why he was feeling this way. It was the step in the right direction for his diagnosis of ADHD. Attention Deficit Hypertension Disorder is a complex brain disorder characterised by the developmental impairment of the brain’s executive functions. People with ADHD have trouble with impulse control, focusing, and organisation.

“In the first few sessions, my expert Sheetal helped me cope with my current situation about feeling isolated during the lockdown. The interactions at the office were more wholesome compared to the ones I had online or over the phone with my colleagues. She helped me by suggesting that I monitor how I feel using the Feelings Wheel and find ways in my life to control these bursts of emotions. After a few sessions, I was feeling better and it was normal to feel that way.”

 Through his sessions, he began setting boundaries for work from home. Sheetal suggested that he have a change of environment once he was done with his work to avoid feeling burnt out.

Through his sessions, he began setting boundaries for work from home. Sheetal suggested that he have a change of environment once he was done with his work to avoid feeling burnt out. He started changing his clothes, freshening up once he was done with work and this change helped him separate work from leisure time.

I was someone who loved to read and write but I began resenting my desk because I was conditioned to feel tired and fatigued in this spot, but this idea by Sheetal changed my life.

Anmol is doing well now and is thankful to Sheetal for being there by his side through these rough times. He has recommended her to all his friends at work and is currently seeking behavioral therapy for his ADHD.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

Anmol’s Warrior Tips:
1. Mental health is not something to talk about only when you are feeling low
2. Therapists have knowledge about how to deal with your emotions, do not feel scared to ask for professional help.

1263 posts

About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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