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This was the same for Shad Jamaal, the senior engineering manager at With the new normal, he found it hard to adapt to the new lifestyle the pandemic brought with it.

“No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That’s the only way to keep the roads clear.”

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world so drastically. As per a YourDOST study conducted in 2020, over 55% of the Indian population experienced a significant psychological impact due to the pandemic. Many of us lost our loved ones, were forced to keep a happy face at work to motivate our colleagues and adjust to the new normal. This was the same for Shaad Jamaal, the senior engineering manager at With the new normal, he found it hard to adapt to the new lifestyle the pandemic brought with it.

I was not able to follow my normal routine and felt stuck at home during the pandemic. Along with this, the pressure of work and my personal life kept building up. This pushed me to seek help.

Shaad’s responsibilities at work were to lead his team and keep them motivated through these tough times while also making sure that all their deadlines were met. Along with this pressure, he also had to make sure that everybody at home is safe from Coronavirus. Taking these precautionary measures and major lifestyle changes were hard to adapt to. But he had to control his emotions and put a brave face on for everybody around him.

“I was forced to keep a brave face at work and home. I had to give my team the motivation to complete the deadlines and support my family emotionally as well which made me feel overwhelmed.”

 In the middle of all this uncertainty, tragedy struck when Shad’s father-in-law passed away. He was again forced to put on a brave face to help his grieving wife.

“The pressure to not crumble into my emotions and the sheer thoughts about what if we contract the virus, how we will deal with the circumstances often made me feel worried and anxious.”

In the middle of all this uncertainty, tragedy struck when Shaad’s father-in-law passed away. He was again forced to put on a brave face to help his grieving wife. Unable to explain to his kids why everybody at home was devastated, Shaad felt extremely helpless but pushed himself to be there for everybody. 

This extreme pressure and constant anxiety pushed Shaad to eventually seek help at YourDOST because he felt like he was losing his strength to be the strong man for his family. 

Shaad has always been open to seeking help for their mental health. He has always pushed people to seek help even for the smallest issues they are facing instead of letting it bubble up into a major disorder. This was why he was very comfortable in reaching out during his bad times.

I felt like I was not taking care of my mental space. Everything was burdening me and I did not find the space to express my emotions openly and reaching out really helped me put my life into perspective. My expert helped me out with all of my emotional concerns and I began to see a positive change in myself.

 Being aware of his emotions helped him cope better and avoid the feeling of guilt for feeling a particular emotion. He forgave himself and realised it was human behaviour to feel this way when you are stressed

Being aware of his emotions helped him cope better and avoid the feeling of guilt for feeling a particular emotion. He forgave himself and realized it was human behavior to feel this way when you are stressed. There was a sense of self-acceptance rather than negative judgment. Along with this, his expert suggested a few activities he could do to be in touch with his mental well-being. 

Therapy helped me practice mindfulness every day. It also taught me to relax rather than worry about situations that are not in my control. It taught me to acknowledge the reality of the situation and work towards the things that I can control. I began to feel more compassionate towards myself and my needs.

The sessions have helped Shaad be more mindful of his environment and himself. Shaad loves his time during his sessions and has encouraged his friends and family to seek counseling support as well. He is on a path towards progress and we wish him the best. 

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

Shaad’s Warrior Tips:
1. Both physical and mental health is of equal importance and there is no need to feel shame to seek mental health support.
2. Always remember to be open and authentic with your therapist.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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