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Asking For Extra Support Changed Soumya’s Life

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This pushes us from being vulnerable to the people who matter. Soumya (name changed) was someone who was facing frequent low moods almost every day.

“Sometimes asking for help also means you are helping yourself.”

Asking for help is something we all struggle to do. It feels like we are a burden to the other person and often feels like we are wasting their time. This pushes us from being vulnerable to the people who matter. Soumya (name changed), a student at Avantika University was someone who was facing frequent low moods almost every day.

She was experiencing frequent panic attacks and was feeling anxious every day. She felt detached from her friends and was finding it hard to get out of bed which was a worrying factor and was apprehensive from talking to her close ones about this. But when a friend noticed the changes in her behavior, she suggested that Soumya seek professional help which would be better for her in the long run.

I was feeling extremely unhappy with my life. Mundane tasks felt like a heavy burden to me, and when I opened up to my friend she told me it would be better if I reached out to a professional but being a reserved person, opening up to a stranger was extremely difficult and therapy only works if you are vulnerable about your insecurities.

Dealing with this extremely challenging situation, Soumya decided to reach out to YourDOST for professional support to improve the quality of her life. While the start was slow she speaks about how the progress that she went through during her sessions.

Through their sessions, her expert reassured Soumya that it is okay to feel this way, and that she can work on herself to become a better version of herself.

“We started off having normal conversations to break the ice before I started to open up about my feelings. I felt this unconscious pressure about opening up but my expert was with me every step of the way and I slowly the layers kept opening up and I was noticing a positive change.”

Through their sessions, her expert reassured Soumya that it is okay to feel this way and that she can work on herself to become a better version of herself. She encouraged her to set goals towards her tasks which would motivate Soumya to get out of bed.

My expert introduced me to the habit of journaling and being in touch with my feelings. She also helped me focus on the aspects that I can control in my life and work on my strengths rather than feel bad about my weaknesses. The increased productivity and peace of mind also improved the quality of my performance at work.

This slow push towards focusing on her goals really improved the quality of Soumya’s emotional health. She started feeling a sense of purpose in what she was doing. Being a part of the creative field, it was integral that Soumya was in peace with her heart and soul and therapy played an integral role in improving the quality of her emotional health. She is looking forward to more sessions with her expert soon.

“It is so important to reach out. I know my life has changed for the better and I am so grateful that I broke out of my shell and decided to open up about my insecurities. I hope more people can understand the value of reaching out.”

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

Soumya’s Warrior Tips:
1. Do take care of yourself the way you would take care of a best friend.
2. What you are feeling is real and valid, do not undermine your own feelings
3. You are your support system, show up for yourself.

2055 posts

About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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