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‘Hitting Restart Button On Life’ – How Ajay Overcame Self Doubt

3 Mins read

Ajay's story of overcoming self doubt

“It’s always darkest before dawn. The bigger your challenge, the closer you are to your victory.” – Joel Osteen 

Life can be tough and uncertain at times but that can not stop one pursuing their dreams and living life to its fullest. The sky is sometimes dark, but that does not affect the Sun when it’s time to shine! In this fast paced world where it is extremely difficult to manage personal and social life with equal importance and care, many might get overwhelmed from time to time. Something like this happened to 26 year old Ajay, who decided to end his life by committing suicide, but had a fresher, newer mindset after seeking counselling.

 “I attempted suicide. But through counseling I realised the importance of life”

Ajay was trapped in the whirlwind of self doubt from a young age, where his Mathematics teacher often used to ignore him and his abilities. But he did not take this as a hurdle, instead turned it into a challenge and cracked one of the toughest IIT exams with 6th rank. Overjoyed, Ajay joined the college, but soon he realised that the grass is not all green where he had to spend nine to ten hours daily studying and working. On the personal side, Ajay was in a relationship with a girl and after joining college, the relationship went southways. Ajay’s parents were not so supportive of this union and somewhere Ajay knew the relationship might not end in success.  

I committed suicide as I saw no one by my side and that drove me crazy.

All the burden combined, Ajay decided to put an end to it by comitting suicide. After the news spread of Ajay’s suicide attempt among his collegues and other friends, they all started looking at him differently. Ajay began to feel misheard and misunderstood, he even faced a communication gap between him and other colleagues. After feeling doomed for weeks, Ajay finally decided to seek professional guidance and help from YourDOST. He got connected with YourDOST’s counsellor Ms. Madhura, and thus began Ajay’s journey of self exploration.

“She was patient and helped me see my self worth and value.”

Madhura, a trained counselor, knew exactly how to open Ajay up from his shell of insecurities and self doubt. She made him comfortable and made him feel heard, and then soon Ajay started sharing his story. After initial rapport formation, Ajay started talking to Madhura openly which helped him loosen up his burden and helped him achieve a good sleep schedule. Throughout the session, Madhura remained extremely unbiased and also advised him to let his thoughts out by jotting them down in form of poetries.

My counsellor helped me thorugh tough times by opening me up and helping myself explain and my issues.

“You should accept yourself for who you are.”

Ajay finally learnt how to love himself and not let the negativity affect his work or other relationships. Madhura used to reinforce Ajay through talking about his achievements during the sessions. Ajay started feeling more confident and aware of the infinite strength he had been holding back. Ajay is extremely grateful to Madhura for her wisdom, guidance, and supportive comments throughout the sessions.

Ajay finally learnt how to love himself and not let the negativity affect his work or other relationships and was ready to restart his life.

We sometimes take life for granted and wish to end it. But trust us, nothing and no one can make your life better than yourself. It’s okay to have some pain, its okay to suffer, and its okay to cry! What’s not okay is not doing anything about it. Open up, seek professional help, talk to a friend, or get in touch with a counsellor- you will find you way away from self doubt.

Ajay wants everyone to not take harsh decisions based on a few incidents of failure, as failure in some aspects of life should not define you as a person. Ajay urges everyone to speak up, let your heart out and seek guidance from a professional.

Ajay’s Warrior Tips:
1. Opening your mind in front of a professional always helps in taking better decisions in future.
2. Never try to end your life, always keep going and ask for help, whenever you need.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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