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“I Dont Let Time Control Me Anymore”! – How Arun’s Dedication Paid Off

3 Mins read

Arun's story on stop procrastinating and start acting wisely on time.

“The ratio of me doing things to procrastinating was 1:9. I badly wanted to change this, for good.”

When Arun got this sudden realisation, his life took a turn entirely, and it was all for the better! Arun is a 27 year old design student, hailing from Chennai. More of an indoor and online games player that he is, Arun claims to excel at FIFA! Moreover, he calls himself an absolute foodie and loves to try new cuisine each time he goes out! 

You may wonder, for someone with such an exciting life, how can Arun be a procrastinator? Well, that’s what even Arun thought! For him, binging on shows and movies and keeping the tasks of the day at bay was a usual routine. 

“For the past seven to eight years, I had been procrastinating and I thought it was all cool. But once I started spending more time on games and not on important tasks, it started bugging me.”

Arun would not only put off his pending tasks on a daily basis, but also feel guilty for doing so. In Aren’t words, “If I am set to start my work at 9 AM and the clock hits one or two minutes to 9,I would not do the work and instead start at 9.15 AM.” Aren’t such mental framework needed modifications, but he didn’t receive enough push from anyone to work on himself. 

As Arun was determined to get motivated inverse the ratio of 1:9 (as in, the work he would do to the time he’d procrastinate), he reached out to YourDOST through his institution resources. 

“I didn’t even know the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist, let alone the idea of counseling before two years. But I guess it was the time for me to start sessions as soon as I can.”

Arun started with applying pomodoro technique of time management.

Arun got in touch with YourDOST Expert Ankita and started counseling sessions. Arun was already aware of some techniques to manage time, but was not much aware of how to apply them. With help of Ankita, he started applying Pomodoro technique and soon was able to see the difference. 

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

“Ankita helped me identify my gaps. She motivated me to not waste time unnecessarily, but also guided me on how I can manage my schedule better, without compromising on my mental health.”

Arun was slowly making progress with finishing off his work on time and not putting off any tasks. Despite this, one day Arun binge watched one tv series and missed his deadline to submit a task. He felt restless at the moment and wanted to talk to Ankita, but he pulled himself together and decided to follow the schedule as suggested. 

With the help of Ankita's friendly nature, Arun was able to get back on track faster than what he anticipated.

With the help of Ankita’s friendly nature, Arun was able to get back on track faster than what he anticipated. Arun calls Ankita a catalyst and appreciates how she always helped him identify the issues and work on them. 

“Visualising my goals and practicing manifestations helped very well.”

For Arun, the counseling process was challenging, but at the same time, he is utterly grateful for Ankita and YourDOST for the unbiased sessions and helping him set a routine and making sure he follows it. Arun rates his improvement journey as 3.5 out of 5.

From all of us at YourDOST; Arun, you are a true warrior who was able defeat the biggest challenge of “managing time” and also inspiring others! 

Arun’s Warrior Tips:
1. People need to give importance to mental health, just as much they give to physical health.
2. Problems happen, the best way to deal with them is to change our approach to it, rather than avoiding them. Analysing the situation and act accordingly is better than acting impulsively.
3. Remain calm and notice the situation instead of avoiding it.


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YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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