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Mending Relationship with his Brother : Sam’s Story

2 Mins read

Sam's journey of mending bonds with his brother and working on his anger management issues.

“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.” – George Santayana

Though we humans love socializing, there are times when we all find it hard to adjust to people around us. Sam (name changed), who is 22 years old, shares his experience on how he overcame his issues with his family and worked on his anger management. 

Sam had been facing multiple family issues for a while. His brother was diagnosed with BPD, also known an Bipolar Personality Disorder and OCD, also known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder when Sam was in class 11. Above all this, Sam also had been dealing with controlling his anger and outbursts. Considering such many issues, it is not easy to live under the same roof. But unfortunately, due to Covid-19 outbreak, he had to come back to his home town and live with his family. 

“I got angry for every small things that happened in my house.”

Sam found it hard not to get angry, and he had constant arguments with his brother.

Sam found it hard not to get angry, and he had constant arguments with his brother. And most of these arguments sprout when his brother was not ready to agree to him or when he refused to do something that Sam asked him to do. Sam also felt that his parents pampered his brother a lot, and this made him think that they compared them often. He was not happy with that. 

When he reached out for help in YourDOST, his counselor was able to help him understand what was okay to do and what was not OK to do.

“Sometimes you have to ignore the things that are not in your hands”, says Sam.

With constant help and support from his counselor, he was able to talk to his brother without getting angry immediately and was able to speak more frequently. The counselor also mentioned that he has to learn to control his anger so that he can give his best in whatever he does. 

“counseling is a very good way to control yourself, not only for anger management but also for improving confidence and for better performance.”

Sam wants to let everyone know that it is good to talk to a counselor irrespective of the issue that they are facing.

Sam wants to let everyone know that it is good to talk to a counselor irrespective of the issue that they are facing. He mentioned that people would see new paths and new ways to approach their problems when they go to a counselor.

Sam said that it is better to go to a counselor as other people will not understand the seriousness of the issue that a person is facing.

To a counselor, anyone can open up about anything as they will not judge you and also, whatever you say will remain confidential. And that’s the beauty of it!

Sam’s Warrior Tips:
1. Counseling is not just for major issues or diseases. Anyone can seek counseling, to make themselves better.
2. Any bonds can be mended over time and by trying. Patience is the key!

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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