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Vidushi’s Pursuit of Self Improvement through Counseling

3 Mins read

Vidushi's Pursuit of Self Improvement through Counseling

With oil-paint tinted hands and an ambitious head, Vidushi was a self explorer! This twenty-year-old, despite being so young, is an excellent example of “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Vidushi hails from Jharkhand and goes by the pronouns she/her. She has been brought up in an affectionate joint family.

Since childhood, Vidushi has been fond of colours! She loved painting and drawing then, and she loves even now! That was the reason she decided to pursue a degree from Anant National University in Communication Design. Vidushi is one of those lucky people who have turned their hobbies into their careers, but when the nation went completely under lockdown, Vidushi witnessed a drastic change.

“I was not prepared for the online classes. I was lagging behind with my work and deadlines. Even my friends were going through the same issue.”

Vidushi complained about not finding the right balance between her personal and professional life. She wanted to know herself better, in order to get out of the slump and move forward. Her entire day was slipping out of her hands and still, at the end of the day, she was left with no energy to spend.

Vidushi found herself getting very frustrated with every little thing, she saw major changes in her mood. She realised that she needed to work on her time management skills and find the right balance between her work and personal life.

Vidushi's life took a tuen when the country underwent lockdown. She wasnt prepared for it.

“My university boldly talks about mental health and I feel lucky to know YourDOST, as it was the best possible option for me at that time.”

After consulting with many of her friends, Vidushi understood that she might need a coach to help her set priorities and goals straight through self improvement. After many months, when the feeling of restlessness prevailed in her, Vidushi decided to reach out to YourDOST.

Vidushi got connected with YourDOST expert Dr Nikita Agarwal and began her journey of self-exploration.

“Since I was focusing on self-improvement and knowing myself better, I was very comfortable talking to Nikita. Her first impression was that of a very kind, and patient listener.”

Vidushi began the session using the chat option, but she soon realised that typing the feelings out might not be the best way for her, and so shifted the sessions to video call sessions. Upon starting the session, Nikita asked Vidushi to explain her daily routine and where she thinks she can leverage some time to work on herself.

Vidushi was surprised to see how daily 3 to 4 hours were going into the ruins by doing nothing productive. At this moment, Vidushi knew that she needed to bridge the gap between her current routine and the routine she’s been wanting.

“With the help of Nikita, I was able to align my routine and my expectations. I was also glad to see how much of ‘me time’ I was able to give myself now! I let my mind take charge of when it wants to work and when it wants to rest.”

As rightly said, once you know what you want; no mountain is difficult to climb! And same goes for Vidushi too!

As rightly said, once you know what you want; no mountain is difficult to climb! And same goes for Vidushi too! 

Now that she was aware of her own expectations, her work-life balance was mended again. She gives credits to the counseling sessions for making her more empathetic now. Vidushi doesn’t let the fears and insecurities come in her way now because she now understands the actions and reasons behind someone else’s behaviour.

In a fun rapid-fire round with YourDOST, Vidushi summed up her entire counseling journey with these simple yet powerful words: “I’m more self-aware now!”

“Nikita holds a special place in my life. She made me feel heard, and I know I can rely on her with whatever she suggests or guides me.”

With dedication and an attitude to be the best version of herself, Vidushi overcame the block in her life and now is on her path to achieving more and more success!

Vidushi’s Warrior Tips:
1. Read as much as you can on counseling and therapy and don’t shy away from trying it out once.
 You don’t have to bind yourself to it. Even if you don’t enjoy it, you can surely stop it.
2. A non-judgmental stranger in the form of a counselor is always better than a friend who might get biased.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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