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Sanjay Takes a Leap of Faith on Lost Confidence

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Sanjay Takes a Leap of Faith to Bring Back His Lost Confidence

“We gain strength, courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face. We must do what we think we cannot.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

Belonging to the beautiful city of Solapur, this is the story of Sanjay, who broke out of his low confidence originating from his introverted nature. Sanjay is 33-years-old and works as a City Sales Manager in prestigious Xiaomi, India. 

After completing his MBA from Pune, Sanjay has been working for the last 10 years in the Sales and Marketing domain. Sanjay resides in a joint family and enjoys outdoor activities for recreation. 

“I have had an introverted personality. But this started affecting my confidence. I was soon facing issues to function well around my surroundings.”

Sanjay would often receive remarks from his close ones that he was not communicative or talkative enough. Sanjay would prefer staying inside his own shell of comfort. But the less expressive nature prevented Sanjay from forming meaningful bonds with people around him. This trait also led Sanjay to compromise his relationship with his wife. 

Soon, he was feeling very disturbed by the overall menaces caused due to one single quality in his personality. He would get irritated and defensive easily. The times got tougher when Sanjay saw his work getting hampered. 

“When you are not active and reliable, no one trusts you that easily. Something similar was going on with me at my workplace.”

Without further ado, Sanjay decided to take a stand for himself.

Without further ado, Sanjay decided to take a stand for himself. Sanjay’s company was associated with YourDOST, about which he came to know through a seminar held in his office. 

So, Sanjay decided to give it a shot hoping that there could be a way out of this loophole.  Sanjay got in touch with his counselors and soon started to open up as he found a safe space to vent out his emotions. The counselor, on the other hand, tried to understand Sanjay’s issues well and listen to what he had to express. 

“I was advised to communicate clearly with my wife. I was also suggested that I make time for her and take her out once in a while.”

As the counseling sessions went on, Sanjay was seeing a drastic change in the way he was carrying himself around people. The confidence he Sanjay had lost once, was coming back. Previously, Sanjay thought that one only talks about mental disorders with a couselor. But after his own experience, he realized that one can talk about anything from family, health to friends and personal issues. 

Sanjay started putting his own efforts into building up his confidence levels. For a start, Sanjay made a habit of communicating with people with as small topics as “had your lunch?” and so on.

Sanjay saw a steep decrease in his anger and temperament tendencies.

Sanjay saw a steep decrease in his anger and temperament tendencies. Sanjay would like to extend his warm gratitude to his counselor as he described her as a polite person. He also appreciates that they are well-equipped and trained professionals. 

Describing his counseling journey as “superb”, Sanjay rates his overall progress through counseling with a 4 out of 5. Sanjay also stated that – “The counselors were very well organised and very well maintained.”

We, at YourDOST, are amazed by his virtuous attitude towards self-improvement. Sanjay bid farewell to his lack of confidence and rose back from a very struggling position. 

Sanjay’s Warrior Tips:
1. One should try counseling because it helps build confidence in the personal as well as professional front. One would get to know themselves better as well.
2. Counseling also helps one to strengthen social relationships. It is beneficial for yourself and the people around you.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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