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“Addiction and Depression Isn’t the Same”, Says Lakshmi After Therapy

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“Addiction and Depression Isn’t the Same”, Says Lakshmi After Seeking Help

Lakshmi, 22 lived her childhood with loving parents and was surrounded by the same people as her schooling took place in her hometown itself.

Like many of us Indians, all of Lakshmi’s decisions were made by her parents. All of her plans, ideas were dropped on her by her parents all throughout. “I didn’t really know what being independent looks like”, says Lakshmi sharing how it was difficult for her to live on her own once she joined her college.

“I did not feel homesick when I joined college, but I knew something was missing. I knew I needed to be independent now, not a burden on anyone.”

On a quest to be independent; mentally and financially, Lakshmi started finding ways to take the matter into her own hands. Lakshmi realised it was not too late for her to be financially independent and so she decided to turn her hobby of drawing into a side profession!

With an increased order request and responsibilities of a new job, Lakshmi saw herself fading away.

“We live in a country where talent is not monetized. Though I believe I am an excellent artist, it was tough for me to get paid for the same.”

Slowly but steadily, Lakshmi started getting more orders of customised portraits and she was over the moon to see herself taking the first step of being financially independent. Following her own mindset of spending her finances, Lakshmi was often barged by her friends on not spending too much amount on something.

Lakshmi was a bit confused to see how her friends had begun to turn on her for not spending much, but she knew she is her own boss now and can control her expenses the way she likes it!

With an increased order request and responsibilities of a new job, Lakshmi saw herself fading away. Once a person who would set a timeline for 5 hours and achieve her goal of completing the picture, now, Lakshmi was taking more than the determined time and would often lose her concentration.

“I was scared if I had slipped into depression, but then I googled and realised how different it is from other symptoms. Meanwhile, I realised a major drawback I was facing at that time.”

Lakshmi introspected herself and realised how she was using her phone more during the time she was supposed to draw.

Lakshmi, unaware of her actions, realised she devoured mobile addiction. Something her mother also pointed out in her changed behaviour, Lakshmi understood this is not how she wanted things to turn around.

Lakshmi introspected herself and realised how she was using her phone more during the time she was supposed to draw. The addiction had gotten to Lakshmi’s nerves now. After the first COVID-19 lockdown, Lakshmi’s addiction even worsened.

She knew she needed professional help to address the issue of addiction and set herself right on track. Fortunately, Lakshmi’s college was partnered with YourDOST as their emotional wellness coach, and so, without wasting much time, Lakshmi reached out and sought help.

“Whenever I feel low, I’d just go to the website and start talking to an Expert. I didn’t know I was supposed to stick with one expert, so I kept changing. But, it was Kangan Vohra, with whom I was connected the most.”

Speaking with different counselors, including Kangan, Lakshmi gained a lot more clarity about herself. After a couple of sessions and addressing her concerns with the counselor, Lakshmi saw a drastic change in her phone addiction. Though Lakshmi feels it hasn’t been suppressed entirely, the addiction has surely lessened down a bit.

Lakshmi’s sleep schedule got better, without even trying hard for it!

Lakshmi’s sleep schedule got better, without even trying hard for it! She was amused to see how the mobile addiction had snatched her sleep away, but with help of Kangan, Lakshmi is happy that she was able to reverse it.

“I am taller than average girls. I used to feel sad and ashamed of it at times. Kangan helped me overcome that too. Now I am proud of the height I have and don’t take any body-shaming from anyone.”

Lakshmi summarises her counseling journey as ‘self-improvement’ and even rated herself with a 4 on 5, on how far she’s come! Lakshmi firmly believes that counseling won’t make one lose something they already have, rather, it will help one to improve themselves. While parting, Lakshmi leaves us with an inspiring statement – If there are bugs in an app, you don’t uninstall it, you clear it, upgrade it and use it again. – And sure enough, we’re going to follow this golden habit right away!

Lakshmi’s Warrior Tips:
1. Get your basics clear on what the issue is and then try to work on it.
2. Surround yourself with nature, it helps a lot.
3. Be positive, the negativity isn’t going to last forever. Life is very very short, take everything positively and make it work.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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