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PersonalSelf Improvement

The Road Not Taken

2 Mins read
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I;
I took the one less traveled by;
And that has made all the difference.
-John Frost, The Road Not Taken (18-20)
I have always admired this beautiful verse. It has helped me quite a few times by putting things into perspective. On occasions when self-doubt and expectations to be practical have bogged me down, I try to find the courage to explore and pursue my deepest desires.

A choice to become an electrical engineer, to become one among the millions was one of the many paths I have chosen to tread on up until now. It is a journey undertaken by the mob, a rare few of whom then choose to put their major degree, the best in Asia, a hard earned glorious honor, on the back burner to work yet again and start from scratch in the alien field of finance. An encore of the magical guiding words giving me fortitude to follow my heart.

Something I find amiss in this exquisite poetry is the unaccounted for uphill battle that ensues upon choosing a path, any path. It’s a battle that exists within as well as outside. A social battle is sure to stem should my judgments misaligned with the masses. And they very possibly might do in the future. However, I can genuinely say, without a shadow of doubt, that a short lived social stigma shall never find its way into my list of concerns. Another aspect never to come up is the work I might need to put in. A resolute, heartfelt decision needs a tenacious chase to reach the top. And if the decision is a sincere one, the climb shall not be as arduous. Another place John Frost seems to try to misguide me is by contemplating at the paths as a singular occurrence. Choices are made at all stages of life. And they all profoundly affect the life yet to come, until life throws up another conundrum. Hence, it shall not do well for me to get harrowed down at each step and simply embrace or reject the trend. Any pick at any time makes no unequivocal guarantees to give me a comfortably accomplished or a laborious failure of a life. The sole means left to weigh the decision is against the fascination and excitement to do what I want. And by letting that be my guiding light, I shall rejoice at whatever trail I choose to blaze.

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About the Author:

Manvi Saxena is a Tech Shrewd engineer from BITS Pilani, Pilani campus and owes interest in Finance and Economics. She likes traveling, meeting new people, reading and she is a foodie.  She wish to communicate her thoughts through Your D.O.S.T platform.

4 posts

About author
Manvi Saxena is a Tech Shrewd engineer from BITS Pilani, Pilani campus and owes interest in Finance and Economics. She likes traveling, meeting new people, reading and she is a foodie. She wish to communicate her thoughts through YourDOST platform.
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