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How Bhoomi Walked Through Her Rough Life To Become A Better Person

4 Mins read

Bhoomi did not have a smooth, lovely childhood in her school. She was an average student and she was not appreciated and encouraged much by her teachers and classmates.

“Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess.”
-Sabrina Carpenter

How much is too much to handle? Imagine going through a lot of criticism from your childhood! Your life will never be the same. Bhoomi from Parul University talks about how she overcame her bad childhood and took her life in a very positive way.

My childhood was not so good and it affected my school life which eventually affected my college life.

Bhoomi did not have a smooth, lovely childhood in her school. She was an average student and she was not appreciated and encouraged much by her teachers and classmates. She was even humiliated by them. This completely shattered her confidence and she found it hard to stay in school and make friends in school. In her 10th Std., she went through a small incident during the teacher’s day celebration. Most of her classmates were goofing around and telling each other jokes. When she tried to join them to be part of the fun her classmates complained to their teacher that she was saying something bad about the dressing style of people. Her teacher immediately humiliated her in front of the entire class and this made her feel extremely uncomfortable and bad about herself. “Being called these in front of 45 students is not a great experience.” This incident is something she still finds hard to forget and move on. She started becoming hard on herself and she felt that she was responsible for all the blames.

Bhoomi’s handwriting was bad and she was a little slow in writing and finishing her classwork. Her teachers used to ask her why she was very slow

“They used to call me a slowcoach. When teachers, who are supposed to support you, put you down in front of the whole class by calling you a slow coach, it can be really difficult to lift your head high and walk in confidence.”

All this eventually affected her life at college as well, as she was finding it difficult to get along with her classmates and her self-esteem was low. She found it difficult to express what she was thinking and so most of the time she avoided getting along with others and kept to herself. But people around her started calling her cold-hearted. “I started believing that if you cry you are weak.” She started changing herself in a way that she would be liked by people around her but everyone kept avoiding her.

Because you don’t express much you have been called cold-hearted whereas you are the one who has felt the most and if you express a little bit you are seen as the drama queen.

Bhoomi decided to get professional help to develop confidence and to improve her self-esteem.

Bhoomi decided to get professional help to develop confidence and to improve her self-esteem. Priyanka, her counselor, made her feel extremely comfortable and helped her open up about her childhood and what she went through. Bhoomi never felt judged when she was in the session. Priyanka helped her to see the bright side of things. She was also asked to do yoga and meditation every day to stay relaxed.

She is one person I look up to every time. She is humble and patient.

She was also asked to maintain a journal to write down what she felt and what she was happy about. The journal made her track of how she felt throughout the week. She was slowly able to start expressing what she wanted to express. Bhoomi was asked to talk about all her achievements until then and this made her realize how much she has achieved over the years. Recalling these achievements helped Bhoomi to see that she was not completely in a bad place. It is always a good idea to pause and look back at how far you have reached since your childhood. Bhoomi started feeling more confident each day and she was able to talk to her classmates better.

“Sometimes we see things from the wrong angle”

What Priyanka told her changed her entire perspective. “Everything may not be the way you like but you can choose to see it the way you like.” This struck her heart and she was able to see her life in a very different way. She was able to enjoy going to college better. She started seeing positive changes in herself and she was able to put her mental health and physical health as her priority. But she still has a slight fear of losing her close friends in her life and she is slowly getting to trust people around her more. Once she started prioritizing herself, her overthinking also eventually reduced and her constant thoughts did not affect her much.

For where Bhoomi is today, she is extremely grateful to Priyanka and she is able to appreciate her decisions and choices. She is able to resolve her issues with other people in a better way.

For where Bhoomi is today, she is extremely grateful to Priyanka and she is able to appreciate her decisions and choices. She is able to resolve her issues with other people in a better way.

If you don’t believe in yourself then no one is going to believe in you.

Bhoomi doesn’t want anyone to feel that others are going to judge you. She wants everyone to believe in themselves and be true to themselves.

Bhoomi has her way of making her day better. She wakes up and listens to her favorite songs and dances to the music. Similarly, she recommends people to take time and do things they like and also reach out for professional help when they need it.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

Bhoomi’s Warrior Tips:
1. Love yourself. If you love yourself then there is nothing in this world that will be difficult for you.
2. Learn to accept yourself.
3. Don’t be scared to reach out for professional help.

2055 posts

About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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