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Shubhrika’s Story On How She Was Able To Embrace Her Life

3 Mins read

During the lockdown, things became worse for Shubhrika as she was with her parents and they constantly mentioned that it is time for her to get married and that she should have never left her counselling job.

“Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that’s what makes you strong.”
– Sarah Dessen

Changing careers can turn out to be a pro or a con. And when this is mixed with bad family bonds it can be more difficult to handle what life throws at you. 28-year-old Shubrika shares her story on how she was able to handle all these issues in her life in a much better way with the help of counseling. Shubrika was a psychology student herself during her college times and she loved helping people out through counseling. 

Later into her years, she changed from counseling to becoming a research scholar. She went through a lot of trouble and rejection when she tried to apply for a Ph.D.

I started feeling I made a huge mistake by taking up research.

Though Shubrika liked being in the research field she felt that it was not her cup of tea. To add to the misery her family also started questioning her as they were not happy with her decision of changing her career paths. Her parents eventually started pressuring her to get married. It was not just this that she had to go through with her family but they faced financial issues.

During the lockdown, things became worse for Shubhrika as she was with her parents and they constantly mentioned that it is time for her to get married and that she should have never left her counseling job. Her father was an extremely strict man. He never appreciated Shubhrika or her brother. He always mentioned that they could have done better.

She practised these breathing techniques every day and this helped her relax better. During the lockdown, she completely lost her routine.

“Even if we do good in our career he doesn’t appreciate and if we are doing bad he scolds as to why we did bad.”

Shubhrika mentioned that he never treated her mother right and they found it difficult to stand up to her father. When they started standing up to her father it started becoming worse as they had constant arguments at home.

When all of her issues started piling up, Shubhrika decided to seek professional help. She reached out to YourDOST and she was connected with Sudha. She started her sessions during June and July and since then she has been attending sessions every week. When she started pouring out her problems to Sudha she started feeling much lighter. Sudha helped her through her pain and made her feel more empowered based on the decisions that she has taken in her life till now. After taking counseling sessions she was able to patiently communicate with her boyfriend and resolve the issues with him as well. After which her boyfriend stayed as constant support through thick and thin.

She has been a great part of my life based on my mental health.

Sudha taught her a few breathing techniques to help her get over the overwhelmed feeling and stress. She practiced these breathing techniques every day and this helped her relax better. During the lockdown, she completely lost her routine. She found it hard to sleep on time and most days she felt tired and hard to focus on her studies and exams. She was asked to maintain a journal to track her daily activities and this motivated her to come back into her routine. Initially, she found it a little hard to practice these breathing techniques and maintain a journal but she did not give up. She kept trying every day and Sudha constantly motivated her through the sessions. After these sessions, she felt like a new person and she found it easier to handle the issues in her life.

“I am really grateful to Sudha ma’am. If not for her lockdown would have been much more difficult for me.” 

Shubhrika wants to remind everyone that it is okay to go through difficult times but at the same time you should not refrain from seeking help.

Shubhrika was very happy with Sudha and she feels that she can talk to her about anything any day. She was happy that Sudha was very supportive and was very patient with her. She mainly wants to thank Richa Singh, CEO, and Co-founder of YourDOST, as she was the one who made Shubhrika feel exhilarated during her speech in her college.

If your body can be ill, your mind can also be ill at times.

Shubhrika wants to remind everyone that it is okay to go through difficult times but at the same time you should not refrain from seeking help. Shubhrika advises everyone to take 10-15 minutes of their day to focus on themselves and to stay away from any gadgets and social media. You can talk to your loved ones or do something that you enjoy doing.

Sharing your experience and your point of view may touch at least a few hearts just like how Richa was able to touch Shubhrika’s heart.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

Shubrika’s Warrior Tips:
1. Don’t forget to breathe and take your life in your own way.
2. Keep drinking a lot of water.
3. It is okay to reach out for professional help when you need it. They will be there for you.

1263 posts

About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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