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“Mental Health Is Not a Joke”, Says This Warrior Loud and Clear!

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“Mental Health Is Not a Joke”, Says This Warrior Loud and Clear!

“Mental health affects every aspect of your life. It’s not just this neat little issue you can put into a box.” – Shannon Purser.

“It’s ok not to be ok!” – This is what Pravalika expressed after she went through a tough time all on her own. Pravalika, who is 27-years-old currently, spent a good couple of years in her own shell. As much as excruciating those past few years of her life were, Pravalika also stands out as a beautiful soul who is bold enough to inspire many out there who can be struggling!

Working in WhiteHat Jr, Pravalika during her graduation had left for Guntur. Being a dweller of Hyderabad, it was more like a cultural shock on her part to find herself in a new environment. As she found herself in a relatively conservative area, Pravalika started developing a sense of disconnection with the people around her.

“It was difficult for me to cope in such an environment as I was discriminated against due to my weight. Along with the discrimination, came a lot of body shaming.”

As much as Pravalika liked meeting new people, things had turned completely different this time.

As much as Pravalika liked meeting new people, things had turned completely different this time. She also had some personal issues that added to her underlying issues. With the increase in her feeling of being alienated, she would rather stay indoors in her hostel room. There came a point when she decided to refrain from attending classes as well and rather stay put. But staying indoors wasn’t a healthy decision to make.

“I would sleep all day and have sleepless nights. Most of the time I felt lonely, disconnected. I used to be triggered with paranoia with anyone’s presence around me that led to my mental health at stake.”

After college, Pravalika moved to a new city. Despite it being a new city with a new environment, there wasn’t much progress on her mental health. There was no one she could share her emotions or issues with. She also had three close friends back in college, but this time that mere support was gone too.

“In my new job, I made sure I gave a good 10-12 hours every day as I was passionate about my career. Little did I know that it was yet another way of coping with my issues. I disconnected all my relatives as well as friends from my life.”

Pravalika decided to avail YourDOST's counseling services

Soon, Pravalika managed to get a promotion in her work. But even that couldn’t uplift her feeling of being lonely and disconnected. Deep inside, Pravalika was struggling! The pain was embedded within her so deep, that she started experiencing serious anxiety issues as well as panic attacks.

“Often, I would wake up in the middle of the night in tears and a severe headache. One of my friends was pursuing a degree in psychology who suggested I get some professional help.”

Pravalika, like many of us, was not much in favour of counseling as she was pertaining to the stigma behind it. But with some faith in her pocket, she decided to seek help. Therapy didn’t help her much even after taking it for one and a half years. But meanwhile, Pravalika discovered that she was going through clinical depression.

“Soon after, I joined WhiteHat Jr and fortunately this company had a different perception towards mental health.”

One day, Pravalika received an e-mail from her company that they had a tie-up with YourDOST and one can access counseling services for free. Nothing could make Pravalika happier as this was a perfect opportunity for her to take a step towards her mental health. So, without further ado, Pravalika decided to avail counseling services. Pravalika got in touch with the counselor, Elisheba, with whom she found her safe spot to vent out.

“Our sessions mainly focussed on discussions about where and how I see myself. I was taken through a journey of analyzing myself regarding the good and bad qualities within me.”

Elisheba told Pravalika that “when you concentrate on your flaws, you encourage them to grow”, and surely, we stand by it!

Regarding her personal issues, her counselor also advised that Pravalika shouldn’t keep herself in the grey areas in situations. If she did something wrong, it need not be completely her fault. Pravalika was made to understand that the other person involved can be wrong too which led to the conflict. Pravalika learnt to distract herself and focus more on activities that would contribute to her growth.

From cooking to working out with a great interest in music, Pravalika has turned her days of darkness into specs of beautiful light.

“The most important thing that I learnt was the art of journaling. Instead of going to bed with negativity, it was always better to write it down somewhere that would later remain as evidence of how I have grown.”

Pravalika indeed has come a long way. Now, she stands tall on her feet and enjoys every rhythm of the day. From cooking to working out with a great interest in music, Pravalika has turned her days of darkness into specs of beautiful light. This person is truly an inspiration!

We, at YourDOST, feel immensely joyous to see Pravalika as a whole new personality. In a fun rapid-fire round, Pravalika rated her overall growth through counseling with a 5 on 5. Pravalika took her mental health seriously! Would you?

Pravalika’s Warrior Tips:
1. No matter what we do, people will judge us. Your body and mental sanity are the only things that will be with you. No one will come and tell you that you are doing good, better or best. You need to do it for yourself.
2. Taking a step for yourself can never be wrong.
3. We know how to walk. But one extra push from a well-wisher can help you get in the right direction.
4. Everyone feels negative from time to time. But you can pass on the negativity into a journal. They are the shreds of evidence of your growth.
5. Depression doesn’t start in a day or so, it’s a process. There might be one triggering point in your life and once you find that out, you’ll be out of it. But it is on your own will and if you believe in it, you can achieve it. You just have to be patient.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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