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This is How Krishan Come Out of a Toxic Relationship

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Counseling Helped Krishan Come Out of a Toxic Relationship

With 15+ missed calls and over 80 notifications from WhatsApp, Krishan woke up after getting into a huge fight with his girlfriend. After being in a relationship for over two years, Krishan slowly started to notice extreme behavioural changes from his girlfriend.

Working as an Inside Sales Manager, Krishan lived a fairly happy life with his then-girlfriend, but as the pandemic started, he began to notice the altering dynamics of their relationship.

“When I moved to a new city, we started fighting a lot. Our issues remained unresolved. She was behaving more and more possessive and it was getting hard for me to handle.”

Krishan had tried everything to find some peace but he wasnt finding the right outlet for his issues.

Like many of us, Krishan’s instant reaction to such behaviour was to quit and let go off the relationship. Raged, he threw his phone away seeking some closure. But, that did not resolve anything.

Krishan had tried everything to find some peace but he wasnt finding the right outlet for his issues. He knew the concept of counseling, but he also thought counselors are just there to brainwash and impose things. Though Krishan was a bit skeptical whether he wanted to start counseling or not, he was adamant to seek closure.

“I remember my girlfriend mentioning YourDOST and their services but I never thought I will need it someday. I googled and looked it up and decided to give it a try.”

Among all other relationship-related issues, Krishan’s major concern was his girlfriend’s possessiveness and to understand whether he wanted to continue the relationship or not. Krishan connected with a counselor from YourDOST via chat option and later he moved on to audio sessions.

Krishan’s counselor helped him open up. Krishan was also advised to create a pros and cons list of being with his then-girlfriend.

“The way my counselor explained rules and timing for the sessions, I felt a bit overwhelmed. But as the sessions progressed, I realised I’m not alone anymore.”

Krishan’s counselor helped him open up. Krishan was also advised to create a pros and cons list of being with his then-girlfriend. This exercise helped Krishan arrive at a conclusion and decide whether he wanted to be with her or not.

Krishan slowly started to understanding the issue better and even found solution for himself. Through counseling sessions, Krishan realised that he was trying to cure the symptoms, not the disease. After some time, Krishan bid adieu to his then-girlfriend and ended the relationship.

“I was trying to save a dead relationship. Counseling gave me better clarity of the situation and gave me the courage to get out of it.”

Krishan was having conversations with himself more than the counselor. He needed to say all those things which he did, in order to let go off the heavy weight from the chest.

Krishan summarises his counseling experience in one word, “Growth”.

“My counselor was calm and quiet. I would really like to thank her for not interrupting me, even though the time was way past.”

Krishan summarises his counseling experience in one word, “Growth”. Accordign to him, the best part about counseling was that he got a pair of ears to hear! He rates himself a 4 on 5 in terms of feeling better after counseling.

Krishan crossed the barrier of not prioritising mental health by seeking help through counseling. Would you?

Krishnan’s Warrior Tips:
1. It’s never ideal to keep negativity just to ourselves. Share it, share it with people until you realise it was never a tough issue to begin with.
2. Counseling platforms like YourDOST offer anonymity and confidentialty while undergoign sessions. People should utilise such platforms for therapy.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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