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From Grief to Gratitude – Aishwarya’s Journey

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From Grief to Gratitude - Aishwarya’s Journey

The love of a mother is unexplainable, undivided, and unconventional. It is the roof that not only protects us when we need it but is always there. Standing in the shadows, smiling and blessing us. For 27-year-old Aishwarya, it was a hard time a few months ago, as he lost her mother

Aishwarya hails from Lucknow and currently residing there. He works at Better.Com as an Analyst and enjoys travelling from time to time. He enjoys being around friends as well, but after the untimely demise of his mother, things changed.

“The grief of my mother’s passing made me feel very anxious. Suddenly, everything stopped being normal.”

The grief of my mother’s passing made me feel very anxious. Suddenly, everything stopped being normal.

Aishwarya was not anticipating this moment, a shocker like this began to hamper his day to day activities too. He began to lose concentration at work and his productivity dropped too. The loss and grief were too much to handle for Aishwarya, which led me to take many days off from work.

Aishwarya slowly stopped hanging out with his friends and lost interest in doing any activity that sued to spark joy.

“I couldnt talk properly with anyone, because I was feeling too anxious. I knew YourDOST from before so when I felt the same again, I resorted to therapy.”

Aishwarya was familiar with the process of therapy and so without thinking twice, he reached out to a counselor from YourDOST who had expertise in grief and related issues. The cousnelor made Aishwarya feel comfortable and with the help of his patient nature, Aishwarya poured his heart out via audio calls.

As Aishwarya discussed the events with his counselor, he began to identify his triggers and saw his anxiety fading away.

“He suggested I jot down my feelings and thought I got on a daily basis on a paper, so I can reflect on them and also discuss the same with him in the next session.”

As Aishwarya discussed the events with his counselor, he began to identify his triggers and saw his anxiety fading away.

Aishwarya slowly began to feel more on the ‘normal’ side of life and also regained his lost concentration at work too. The immediate assistance provided by the counselor and YourDOST on a regular basis was the best part of the therapy, as per Aishwarya.

“I’d like to thank you to my counselor for the things he suggested and advises he gave. They were more than good to help me feel better and come out of the grief.”

Aishwarya calls his therapy experience a consistent and life-changing one and all of us at YourDOST salute him for his bravery and a never-dying hope to fight back. We wish him all the luck in his future endeavours.

Aishwarya’s Warrior Tips:
1. You may feel stuck or confused at some point but never give up and never forget that there are people to support you professionally.
2. Don’t be scared to step forward and ask for help.

 Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

1263 posts

About author
YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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